Chapter 15

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Some days later

Sanzu's pov

I was walking to the grocery store, alone. It's the first time in forever that I went out without anyone being with me. I just hope nothing will happen... I walked into the store, got all the things I needed,then I made my way to the cashier to pay for the groceries but on my way there, I made eye contact with someone I hoped I would never see again...Takeomi...

My eyes widen, he was staring at me and when he noticed that I spotted him, he walked into my direction. Shit, I speed up, but it was to late, I felt someone place their hand on my shoulder. I froze.

"Haruchiyo" I heard behind me. Panickily, I turned around and nervously stared up at the older alpha. I tried to get away from him, but he just pulled me with him to the cashier paid the groceries I had with me and then pulled me out of the store. I tried to get away, but it was to no use, so I said "Let go". After I said that, I could feel Takeomis grip tightening, at this point it was hurting so much.

I could feel tears leaking at the corner of my eyes. I was dragged by Takeomi until someone yelled "Yo Takeomi" I looked behind me and saw none other than Wakasa. He made eye contact with me for a moment. And I know he saw the tears. Since his face changed from a calm expression to a darker one. "Takeomi...let go of him". Wakasa said. But Takeomi didn't listen to him and continued to drag me. Again, I tried to free myself, but nothing worked. Suddenly Takeomi let go of me, I almost fell over but luckily, I grabbed something before I could fall. I looked over to Takeomi and saw him cursing at Wakasa who was glaring at Takeomi. Wakasa turned around went to me and whispered, "Come with me, I'll get you away from that old bastard." I nodded and so we ran to Wakasas Motorcycle. We got on it and Wakasa speed away from a yelling Takeomi.

"So, where to you live?" Wakasa asked me. I told him the address and so we drove to the Haitanis house. I already saw my two lovers waiting outside with a worried expression. Wakasa stopped in front of them. I got off of the Motorcycle and was immediately pulled into a hug by both Haitanis. Rindou guided me into the house while Ran stayed behind probably to talk with Wakasa.

Ran's pov

After Rindou left with Haru, I turned around to the short Omega (I did a spin of wheel since I couldn't decide what Wakasa should be) I asked him what happened and why he was with Haru.

"Well, I was casually driving around with my bike when I saw my friend walking with Haruchiyo, If you ask yourself who my friend is it's Akashi Takeomi, he was dragging Sanzu with him. I walked to them and Sanzu looked at me that's when I noticed tears and the panic look on his face, I of course freed him from Takeomi and well then we ran away from him and I bought him to this address."

I listened carefully, wasn't Takeomi, Harus brother? Why would he hurt Haru by dragging him...and why did he even drag Haru? This brings me to too many questions but I can't ask Haru since last time it didn't end well and Haru definitely shouldn't have any stress for the next weeks or else it could hurt the Baby and Haru. So I asked Wakasa "Do you know what happened between Haru and his siblings?"

Wakasa seemed to freeze He sighed and then said "Yes I do, but I wasn't actually there, more like a friend of mine told me what happened". And so I asked "Could you tell me what happened"

."Well Sure, but i don't know if it's actually true, since most of the parts are things Haru told my friend"





To be continued

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