( chapter two )

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Dick was just lying on the couch, watching a movie with Barbs and Stephanie, when all of a sudden Bruce comes walking in. He had that serious look on his face that wasn't really that rare, but still, it was concerning to see. Now, to someone who doesn't know Bruce, they would think that this was just his neutral expression; when he wasn't expressing any type of emotion. But, Dick knew him better. Probably the best out of every - except for Alfred. Alfred was just built differently. Anyway, while Barbs and Stephanie continued to watch the movie, Dick swiftly got up and approached Bruce.

"What did you and Damian argue about this time?" whispered Dick, as to not disturb the girls.

Bruce rolled his eyes at Dick's remark. Yes, Damian and he were having more arguments as Damian was in his "rebellious teen years". "Hardy, har, har. This matter is completely different - it's about the Riddler," Bruce said in a whisper as well.

Dick tensed. For some reason, after so many years, the Riddler was beginning to become more violent. The Bat Clan couldn't figure out for the life of them why. Did someone bruise his ego? No, he's been suffering criticism since he started out. Then, what happened? It was like they were missing a piece of the puzzle.

"Did something happen? I didn't get an alert on my phone," whispered Dick, pulling out his phone from his pocket.

"No," said Bruce. "This is directly from Tim. We may have just found our missing piece." Bruce then went on to explain his phone with Tim and what information they have gathered so far. It was debatable whether or not this Lily was telling the truth about her parentage. People do unholy things just to get attention.

"Well, did her mother at least used to live here?"

"Records show that, yes."

Dick sighed. "Is there anything else, Bruce? You know I'm all forth people getting to know their parents, but if she really is his daughter - especially with how he's been acting lately - we need to make sure she's safe. And that's she actually telling the truth."

"I understand where you're coming from, and I did try and see if I could anything else on the Normans. Fornaturely, no criminal records on Lily or her mother. Unfornaturely, though, nothing really is on them."

"So, we have nothing to run on?"

"Not exactly. When she gets here, we can run a paternity test since we already have Riddler's DNA on file." Dick rose his eyebrows at the mention of Lily coming here. Because Bruce hadn't mentioned Lily taking refuge at the manor. Truth be told, Bruce knew had to take Lily in or Alfred would be on his ass.

"What do you mean by that, Bruce?"

"By what?"

"When you said that she'll be here?"

"Um, well, Dick, she's staying here." Dick looked at Bruce like he was giving him a chance to tell him that he was lying. Bruce didn't budge and just continued to stare at him with that dad look, or whatever it's called.

Dick rolled his eyes. "Of course, it's when I visit."

"What was that?" questioned Bruce.

"Oh, nothing," said Dick, scratching his head while looking innocent.

"Okay. They'll be here soon. Try and explain this to the girls," Bruce said before walking off.

"Wait. What?" Dick tried to protest, but Bruce was already out of sight. Dick sighed before he went to sit down with the girls again. They had noticed Bruce come in, but couldn't hear what he had said in a hush. Once Dick got comfortable, he turned to Stephanie. "Stephanie, I have some news on the Riddler."

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