Murder case of 1979

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Hello lovely reader/s, I've written this short story, as it was an assignment in English. 

I thought it might be interesting to receive critism from others, who aren't my teacher for my first piece of gothic horror. I've never written or really read horror so I hope its not too bad! And if I belive I am worthy I think I may start writing a series of  short gothic horror stories....well that is for you to decide ;p 

Enjoy the read!


Cold air swept in a strong frenzy as, the crunch of her timid footsteps disturbed the silence that enveloped the surrounding forest. Every leaf screaming in agony under the weight of the heavily intoxicated girl, as she stumbled forward. The mere sounds added to the promotion that blossomed within her chest. An under current of fear lay present, as she pressed on through the dark shadows in drunken stupors towards her destination; towards an impending doom.

Thunder crashed and rumbled in foreboding, as hues of blue collided with tremulous greys in the dark sky. The sudden crash of lightning sent a chill through her core as, though intuition was making a last feeble attempt to deter non-existent sensibilities, before she hesitantly scraped a finger across the decrepit door to wander in.

Bats sped out, as the door swung on its hinges of its own accordance. Musky air whipped past her as, if escaping the clutches of the deadly evil that dwelled within. The girl shivered as, she pressed onwards; treading lightly against the moulding floorboards. A shiver of anticipation and trepidation gripped sparingly before she passed out on the web covered rug.


Thud. Thud. Thud.

The incessant noise stopped, as a scraping noise came closer causing the girl to stir. She felt a sudden grip on her hair roughly. A scream escaped the girls’ lips as; she felt chunks of her hair being detached from the skin of her skull.

Tears streamed as, she freed herself from the grasp of the unknown creature; stumbling and screaming as it chased her through the maze-like sanctuary. The darkness preventing an escape as did the lack of co-ordination that was the typical aftermath of a drunken stupor. Fear ran amok in the petrified girls’ mind, as she waited for the worst beneath a well hidden remains that was a desk; sinking further in to the wall as the darkness deepened and a familiar thud resounded closer. A muffled cry racked her chest at the same time as her frantic fingers wrapped around a sharp object.

Hope bloomed within as she desperately prised the sharp dagger-like piece of wood from the clutches of the Earth. The moment of relief was short-lived. The silence that had slowly prevailed was broken as, suddenly the creature appeared- a vicious expression on its face. It snared the girls arms and dragged her from security; digging its grotesque nails deep into the girls skin- bleeding her of life itself. The demonic being smiled sardonically at her, showering her with the blackened remains of teeth; reducing her to a state of near unconsciousness with terror of the unearthly being. Its silver unseeing eyes scoured her; its morbid features contorted with scars caused by its own fingers; the skin hung around its face like barely glued on scraps of latex; old blood clung to its jagged scars; mould grew across its body adorning the areas where bones protruded and flesh hung as lifeless clumps. Its breath smelt of death and decay as, it dug its nails once again in to the girls’ skin: revelling in the fearful cries that erupted.

The girl herself thrashed violently as, the inhuman being grappled and sunk its teeth within her, tearing flesh from her body as it went. Pain eroded all other senses and the instinct to live took over the girl, as she attempted to drive the wooden stake through the meagre hunched figures skull. Only to find herself swiped furiously and flung in to a near by wall. The creatures screamed ear piercingly and sleuthed towards her on all fours, dragging her leg towards itself. Once face to face the creature sparingly caressed the whimpering, wide-eyed girls’ cheek and smiled before tearing the muscle off of half the girls face in one, sudden movement.

An all deafening cry erupted….then nothing.


The next day the Police was sent out to find an entourage of drunken teenagers, who had- reportedly- in the early hours of the morning left a party to go out in to the local forest. Upon the first hour ten of the twelve teenagers were found drunkenly sprawled across the forest floor. All severely hung-over, freezing and unaware of what had occurred the night before.

As, the investigation continued a member of the medical crew stumbled across an abandoned cabin in which were found two bodies. From what the Police had published: the first had been of Miguel Andres, sixteen and Angela Griffiths also sixteen who from what the Police have concluded had been dared to enter the cabin and had been ruthlessly mutilated and murdered- however, no traces of the murderer could be found.

The children’s face had been scratched, bitten and muscles torn out- making them beyond recognition. This was the infamous Gloucester murder case on 1979.Their families’ still hunt the killer of their children today.

Yet it will never be found. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2013 ⏰

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