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Everthorne Posite was trapped.

In the past few years, her pathetic excuse of a sister had been her sister, and then her enemy.

But she crossed the line when she sent Everthorne into the Void, where Gods and Goddess, and anything Immortal, were trapped, and kept.

Will Everthorne be able to escape?

Or will she forever be,


*Sequel to The Elemental Goddess*

Hey guys! I'm back! And with the Sequel too!

Well, know, there's a bunch of new stuff going to happen to Ev, and I'll probably be updating more, due to the fact that it is close to summer!

Downside, my mom wants me to work and go to summer school. Bleh! I've already had enough school!

Upside, I'm getting paid $9 per hour if I work. For me, that's $27 a day! Add in like, two weeks, and I've got like, something around $189!!!! That would probably go into me buying a bunch of stuff, meaning, more fandom items! Also, I won't be broke anymore! Yay!!!

Anyways, that's enough of my personal life, not that you all need to know about it....

Well, let's get onto the book now!

Love you guys!

*Book Will Be Posted When Finished*


No distance ever separates

Dreams and desires

No mirror ever dissolves

Reflection and water

In one's eye

What graph would you make

Of lines of thought? 

The triangle of pain

Is without any angle

Countless races

Have dreams alike

But sleep and night-watch

Are never the same! 

Names are forgotten

Codes alone come to mind

In nuclear setups

Dreams of radiant generations

Are smitten

By atomic explosions

Cities sink

Nuclei dissipate

Orbits dwindle

What remains 

Are terra and sol

In the dance of death

God is a casualty.

A moment of brightness

In a light year

Breaking into smithereens

In a million eons

An accident - yes

But not an event 

History is continuity

Broken once 

Telescopic eyes, tired out, give up

Their distance watching

Lost planets

Bygone epoches

Have no interposition.

Who will look for


In spring-fresh hands

Of tiny tots? 

Who will see


In eyes-yours and mine

In centuries to be? 

No one is sure

Of things lost in water!  

- Dreams Lost In Water


Trapped (Sequel To TEG)Where stories live. Discover now