Life of a hardcore gamer

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One day in the summertime when all of the hardcore gamers friends were hanging out at the movies and around town he was sat in his $10000000 gaming lounge , gaming . Gaming was his life that was all he ever did . His dad would yell at him to get a job but he couldn't hear him because he was wearing his headset for online play . His mom told him to go hang out with his friends from school and he said " shut up ma , I am playing with my friends " she said "no go hang out with them downtown " the gamer yelled SHUT UP I AM PLAYING WITH MY ONLINE FRIENDS ON HALO 3 !!!." His mom left the room. The next day he woke up drank a Mountain Dew and started playing grand theft auto . He reached for his cheat codes but they weren't there . He started to freak out and have a mental break down . He ran into his parents room and started to smash their TV and destroy their bed and furniture . His dad said " you wanna destroy my stuff then I'll destroy yours ." The gamer yelled You should have never touched my cheat codes you worthless bald old man ." His dad ran into his gaming lounge and started destroying all of his gaming consoles , games , gaming chair , TV , head set , and stereos . The gamer was screaming and yelling and throwing a temper tantrum . His dad came out and said "THATS WHAT YOU GET , now get a job and a life." The gamer ran to the basement and pulled out a pistol . He walked up behind his mom and dad and said " all my hard work and progress , my gaming all ruined spoil me nipple " then he shot himself in the eye ball causing the bullet to travel through his brain killing him instantly . blood and brain matter was everywhere .


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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2015 ⏰

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