The Adventures of Empress Dopamine: Part 1 - The Secrets of the Warmots

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The Glekkens we're in battle against the Repticons, and they entreated the Megari for help, which entreaty the Megari obliged. The two of them then fought off the creatures together.
The Repticons were mostly humanoid, but had reptilian features. They could fight well on land or in water, but they were weak in an air battle. This was much to the advantage of the Megari, as well as their allies, the Glekkens, because the Megari were strong on all fronts.
They defeated the Repticons in the battle that day, and returned to Megar where the people welcomed them home. They went home to rest, and to prepare themselves for tomorrow's relentless battle against the Warmots.
The Warmots were black slimy creatures with large heads, and were a menace to the entire galaxy, and the only race more feared than the Repticons. The galaxy would surely have been ransacked by the Warmots and Repticons were it not for the Glekkens and the Megari. And Empress Dopamine of Eudemia. She was a kind-hearted, merciful ruler, who had many friends among the citizens.
The next morning, Kedleg, the King of the Glekkens, received a subspace message from Ledmer, the King of the Repticons.
"You will not continue to defeat me forever, Kedleg."
Kedleg opened a live communication with Ledmer and asked, "Why have you chosen to do battle against me, Ledmer?"
"Because you guard the planet I wish to conquer, and will conquer. Planet Alphon."
"Alphon is inhabited mostly of women. They are in no shape to defend themselves against you. And we will never stop defending them."
"Then prepare for loss of life," answered Ledmer. "That planet is rife with gold and diamonds, and other valuable resources, and I WILL have it!"
"The day all Glekkens die is the day you will have it." answered Kedleg.
"Then so be it, you kaushem, Kedleg."
"Kedleg out!!" he said furiously. "Audacity of audacities! Calling me a kaushem... We'll see who the kaushem is!"
"Calm your nerves, Kedleg," said his wife, calmly. "That's exactly why he called you such a filthy thing. You need to stay calm to keep your mind strong. Remember, battles are won more with the mind than with the arm."
Kedleg sighed, trying to curb his anger. "You are right, Larma. You are right." He began walking to his large washing room. "I will be in the hot bath. It calms me down."
"Good man, Kedleg. I'll go make some kamatea."
"Thank you, Larma. I married you for many good reasons."
Larma smiled and went to make kamatea. When she returned with it, Kedleg was already in the tub bathing in near scalding water. He had stripped himself of his armor and was lying naked in the water.
He reached up and kissed his wife lovingly before returning to drinking the steaming hot tea.
"What are you thinking about, my love?" asked Larma.
"I am thinking about how fortunate I am to have you, Larma. How fortunate I am to have our children, Sonjay and Darro. Sonjay will one day overtake me as King. He is a very honorable young man."
"Yes, Kedleg, he is. Still, let that day come when it should, and not a day sooner, my love," pleaded his wife, who was massaging his shoulders.
"I will not die before my time, Larma. I promise you. However, if I die in battle, I will be honored."
"As you should, Kedleg. As you should."
They spent the rest of the afternoon in comfortable silence, enjoying each other's company. Finally, Kedleg rose and dried himself before getting dressed in the finest clothes he owned.
"Where are you going, darling?" his wife inquired as he left the room.
"To meet our daughter, Darro. She is to arrive at the gate tonight from her journey."
"I will go with you, Kedleg. Should I not meet our daughter as well?" asked Larma.
"No, my love. You stay with our son and our beautiful girls, and care for them. I will return soon."
He strode down the stairs into his war chariot, and set out to meet his daughter at a breakneck pace.
When Kedleg arrived at the gate, he saw Darro afar off, riding her horse to the gate. He raised his right hand high and smiled proudly. "Darro!" he shouted.
"Father!" she shouted back, with her right arm raised high.
Kedleg was very glad to see his daughter return from her journey. However, when she drew nearer, he saw blood on her neck.
"Darro! You have blood. Are you hurt?"
"It hurts a little, but I'm alright, Father." Darro reassured him.
"Who did this?" asked Kedleg, becoming angry at whoever it could be.
"A Repticon child. No, not a child, but not a full grown adult."
"Sending children to attack us. To attack our women! Our children!... My own daughter!" he said, angrily. "Ledmer has no honor at all, and he most assuredly will die. Without honor he will die!"
"Father, Father. Mother always tells you to calm your nerves. Before you get overly angry, I should tell you, I wounded him far worse than he wounded me." she said smiling.
"You are a daughter of Kedleg, Darro. And you are well worthy of the name." he smiled proudly once again. "Yet you are my daughter, Darro. My beautiful daughter. Let us go to your mother. She will wash and clean your wound."
"All right." said Darro, happily.
Once again Kedleg rode on the chariot to the house where his wife was waiting anxiously to greet her daughter.
"Mother, Mother, I've returned safely. See, it isn't bleeding anymore. You don't need to worry so." replied Darro happily, embracing her mother and father.
"True, Darro," said her mother Larma in agreement. "The wound is not deep. But it needs cleaned at once. It is a neck wound. Come with me and I will wash it. Then I'll make you some kamatea. Oh, Darro, it's good to see you," said her mother Larma as she embraced her. Then she led Darro to the washing room to clean her wound.
"Father, Father! Is Darro wounded?" asked Sonjay, running to the entrance of the house after overhearing the conversation.
"It is not a deep wound, Sonjay. She is alright." Kedleg assured him.
"I'm glad she's safe. Who did it?"
"A young Repticon." replied Kedleg.
"That kaushem!" said Sonjay angrily.
"There are many things you should learn of your father, Sonjay. Being soon angry is not one of them. It is not the young Repticons, it is Ledmer himself that is the kaushem."
"He is indeed, Father." agreed Sonjay. "Has Zarlan agreed to continue aiding us against the Repticons?"
"He has. However, they have battles of their own against the Warmots. The Megari are strong and valiant, and very honorable. But the Warmots are very dangerous. This battle must be won with the mind, Sonjay. Because we may not have enough arms." said Kedleg sadly.
"Zarlan is an honorable king of a powerful army. If they aid us in our efforts, will we not do well?" asked Sonjay hopefully.
"Zarlan has agreed to assist our cause. However, it seems that the Warmots have taken a new leader."
"Oh? Who is that?"
"Emperor Ledmer."
"Oh, Father. That makes our case much worse." said Sonjay sadly.
"Indeed it does, son. As I said, this battle will be won with the mind. Come, son. We should retire for the night. We will need as much sleep as we can get."
So they retired to their rooms for the night and slept.

The Adventures of Empress Dopamine: Part 1 - The Secrets of the Warmots Where stories live. Discover now