Bad News part 1

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Zayn is sitting on his couch mindlessly channel surfing for something good to watch.
He passes a news channel.
"Breaking news-" the anchor said.
He quickly switched it back.
"Johannah Derkin, Louis Tomlinson 1/5 of the world's biggest boy and, mother has passed away...."
His mind goes into overdrive. What? How could this have happened? The last time he talked with Liam he said she was fine... How is Louis doing now?
He is snapped back into reality when his phone goes off.
Hello he answered
... raged breathing is all that is heard on the other side.
He waits patiently.
Zain... .- she... my mum-  she's gone...
The only other person who is allowed to call him by his real name says in between sobs.
Louis... I just heard the news. I sincerely am at a loss for words right now. Do you need me there with you and your siblings?
Please  was all that was said
I will be the as soon as I can. Have you called the other lads?
I will if you want me to...
Of course.
The call gets disconnected...
He then decided to call his family.
Z: mum, dad, Doniya Walihya, Safaa
T: Sonshine what's the matter?
Z: you all have not seen the news?
Y: what is it so important?
Z: well Mama Jay has passed away
D: that's not funny zayn...
Z: I am not joking D. Louis even called me asking me to come to see him.
W: what?
Z: yea it was heartbreaking for me to sit there and listen to his sob through the phone but I have to head out soon...
S: should we inform the other 1D families?
Z yeah

Zayn goes to his room grabs a suitcase and packs several weeks of clothes. He knows that Louis and he are not on good terms right now but that doesn't matter he and the girls and Earnest need him now...

He gets into his black range rover with his suitcase in the backseat and drives to Doncaster.  He gets to Louis' house at a quarter til two in the afternoon. Dan answers the door.

Dn: Zayn, what are you doing here?

Z: Louis called I couldn't just say no to him when he is in this state. Even if we are not on good terms at the moment he still means a lot to me so here I am for emotional support not only for Louis but for the girls.

Dn: The girls are in Lottie's room. and you know where Louis' room is.

Z: yea

zayn makes his way up to Lottie's room first. He knocks on the door

Da: one moment

Daisy opens up and stares up at Zayn

Da: What!!!!

F: who is it Dai?

Fizzy comes around the corner. She freezes.

F: Zay-

She cuts herself off but runs to him and buries herself in his chest

Z: yea it's me

Lottie comes to the door next

Le: How?

Z: Louis called me as I heard it on the news...

She also wraps herself around Zayn. Phoebe is the last to arrive. to say is stunned is an understatement...

P: This can't be happening

Z:  oh it is girl.

Da: You're actually here. (breaks down)

Zayn detaches himself from Lottie and Fizzy. He takes Daisy into his arms and soothing strokes her hair

Z: I am. you all don't have to go through this alone. I will be here and in a few days, the rest of the 1d family will be here too.

Le: really

Z: Have you girls eaten anything?

P: nope

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