Bad News pt. 2

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(3 weeks later --- March 12-13, 2019)

Zayn has been staying with Louis for roughly three weeks. The boys are over hanging out lounging around playing FIFA. But later on in the evening, the girls come back from their shopping trip, they decide to have a movie night. Roughly around 8 am the next morning Zayn is woken up by a ringing phone he picks it up and walks out to the backyard to not disturb anybody else.

Nurse: Is this Zayn Malik?

Z: This is he

Nurse: I am sorry to inform you that your friend Felcite was admitted earlier with signs of cardiac arrest

Z: What?

Nurse: The doctors tried everything to revive her but their efforts weren't successful. They need permission to do an autopsy to determine the cause of death. Since she just turned 18 and is healthy and without any family history of cardiac disease

Z: is it alright for me to call you back I need to go tell the family and see what they want to do

Nurse: I can give you about 20 minutes

Z: I will get back to you soon

Nurse: Sorry for your loss

Z: Thanks

Zayn falls to his knees.


Z: why fizz? you said you'll try to stay until Lou and I get engaged which was supposed to be next week How am I going to tell everyone that you're gone? Why am I the messenger?

Meanwhile inside:

Ruth and Nicola wake up. They look around to find the spot next to Louis empty.

R: Where's Zayn?

Na: No clue lets go look for him

They go from bedroom to bedroom, to kitchen, to Louis' home studio then finally to the backyard and find a disheveled and heartbroken Zayn.

R: what's wrong Zayn?

Z: (Raged breathing) Apparently Felicite was admitted to the hospital earlier this morning with signs of cardiac arrest. Doctors did everything they could to revive her but they were not successful.

Na: why did they call you instead of Louis?

Z: looks like fizzy had her emergency contact changed. I have about 10 minutes left to tell the family before the nurse calls back for confirmation on the autopsy.

R: Why do they need to do an autopsy?

Z: The doctors think the cardiac arrest is a result of something else since Fizzywas a healthy 18 years old without a family history of cardiac disease.

Na: Do you want to tell the Tomlinsons separately or do it as a whole?

Z: I want to tell everybody at once I don't want to have to repeat it more than I have to.


Everyone else starts waking up. Gemma is the first to notice.

Ga: where are Zayn, Nicola, and Ruth

D: looks like they are talking about something serious outside

Li: what could it be

NI: have you all not noticed that Fizzy hasn't shown up?

Da: she wasn't with us when we shopping yesterday either

L: I have a bad feeling about this

H: what do you mean Lou?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2022 ⏰

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