19. Goodnight Kitten and Farewell

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Phoenix's P.O.V.

Oh my god this taco is sooo good. I love food. I already said that but I don't care I just love food so much. I'm down to my last taco, sadly. Everyone else is just finishing, like me.

"So have the two of you ever raced your cars?" Nate gestures to Bentley and I. He's sitting next to Emily and I swear there is still something going on there.

I look up and Bentley and I make eye contact. It's like we're debating on lying or telling the truth. Lying means more secrets and the truth means more questions. Ugh.

Bentley decides for me. "Yeah."

"Who won?" Jake asks.

I smirk. Bentley has never beaten me in a one on one race and I like to remind him or that whoever it's convenient.

Bentley sighs before speaking. "She did." He says quietly.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't hear that. What did you say?" I chuckle.

"You did!" He says louder and crosses his arms.

"That's correct." I nod my head, clearly enjoying the moment. Luca, who's sitting at my side is trying to hide his smile.

After the small conversation is over we all get up and head towards the door, tossing our trash in the garbage can on the way by. I cannot believe it's almost ten by the time I'm back in my room with Emily.

"Gossip time." Emily says with a smile. We're both sitting on our individual beds in pajama's. I was kinda sad when I realized the only pajama shirts I packed were my own and I hadn't thought to bring Luca's t-shirts.

I'm obviously so much less excited about this than she is because my voice sounds bored. "Gossip about what?"

"The latest adorable couple, of course!"

"You and Nate?" Her face goes white.

"W-we aren't a couple..." Now it's official. Their totally a couple. Em can't keep secrets and gets all weird when she's lying. "I meant you and Luca..."

"Well... Ask away then." I know. It was stupid. I shouldn't have said that. Here comes the ocean of questions.

She begins, "First off, what did he say when he pulled you aside in the lobby after Taco Bell?"


"I hope you know I'm going to be miserable without you tonight." Luca knows I can't stay with him no matter how much we both want me to, but he decides to make it worse and plead.

"I love you and honestly would do anything to stay with you but I really need to spend more time with Emily, who I've basically been ignoring, by accident, but still."

He sighs and kisses my forehead gently, lingering there for a few moments. "Fine. Goodnight, Kitten." He turns without looking at me but I grab his wrist.

"You aren't mad, right?" My voice is quiet.

"No." He smiles softly. "I'm just sad. I thought we would share a room together like most couples would, but it's fine. I'll be fine for a few nights."

By now the rest of our group was already back in their rooms or close to it.

My eyes meet his. "I am sorry, you know."

"I know." It's so obvious that this little separation feels like a lot for both of us. As our conversation went on you could hear the happiness fade from out words.

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