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Run. Run. Run. RUN! I bolted through the bushes and I dodged trees whilst doing so. My medium length light blonde, almost white, hair was blowing behind me as I ran. Someone or something was after me, but I have no idea who or what it is. I can hear its footsteps pounding behind me. It was getting closer and closer and I could feel its hot breath on my neck. Next thing I know, it grabbed me and threw me to the ground. I finally got a good look at it. That it was a boy. Or at least had a male body type. His orange goggles gleamed in the moonlight along with his mouth guard and hatchets. My pale green eyes widened in terror as I realized the grim events that was about to take place.

"Please," I whispered, "don't hurt me,"

I couldn't see his mouth, but I could tell that he was smiling. You could just feel it. He didn't answer me. He just.... stood there and watched as I grew more and more distressed. He slowly reached for one of his hatchets. It appeared to be old, dull, rusty. All the more painful. He twitched slightly as he brought it above his head. My eyes widened even more as he brought it down.

I jolted awake and held back a scream. Oh, thank goodness! That was the first nightmare that I've had in years, and it scared the diddly fuck out of me. I'm probably a bit too paranoid about that damn psycho on the loose. Well, he's been at large for about three or four years now, but he has recently killed a group of teens in my town. They went to my school, but weren't in any of my classes. Therefore, I didn't really know them. I do know that my family and I are extremely paranoid. My family consist of only my father, my cat, and I. My father is always caught up with work, but that doesn't mean that he is a bad one. He is one of the only people that I know can except me for who I am. Well, I might as well just flat out and say it. I'm gay. And I'm open about it. My dad really doesn't give a shit. I don't come from a religious family so he doesn't judge me for it. Which makes my life 50% easier. Then there is Equius, he's my cat. He is solid black with blue eyes. He is about a year old now. He is my lifeblood. After I finally stop zoning out, I feel my stomach growl.

"I see you are awake. Would you like foooooooood?" I whispered to myself.

I looked over at my alarm clock and it read: 4:34am. Thank, god it's Friday. I sighed and got out of bed. I yawned loudly as I went down the stairs and into my kitchen to get me some motherfucking delicious pop tarts. I shuffled around in the cabinets and realised that we didn't have pop tarts. I guess I'm just going to starve. This is how I die, poptartless and hungry. My stomach growled again and I lost my train of thought. I ramaged through the fridge and found a cup of yogurt. I grabbed a spoon and sat down at the table. I finished my yogurt quickly and threw it away in the small trashcan. I walked contently back to my room. As soon as I laid back down, I heard a tap at my window. Since I don't have a Romeo that would be trying to seduce me, I was scared as hell. I reached for my pocket knife on my bed stand and I flipped it opened.

I made my way to my window to figure out what it could be. I saw a flash of movement. Okay, fuck that. I'm outie. I drop my pocket knife and went into the bathroom at the other end of the hall. I really wish Dad wasn't on a business trip. I'm screwed. I'm not a strong fellow. I have a very high metabolism which causes me to be pretty much skin and bones. So again, I'm not strong therefore I cannot do much. I sit in the bathroom and I listen. Thump. Thump. Thump. There it is again! This time it seems to be footsteps. My breath hitched. They are coming up the stairs. The bathroom is the room closest to the stairs. I gulped nervously. At least I remembered to lock that bathroom door and keep the lights off. I heard the doorknob jiggle slightly then a loud rapping at the door. I crawled into the bathtub and I clung onto a bottle of shampoo. I have no idea how this will be a weapon or why I dropped my pocket knife. There was a long silence and then a smash. They broke down the door. They cut on the lights and I saw it was that killer. I probably looked pathetic. A very pale and skinny blonde shirtless teenage boy clinging onto a shampoo bottle was found dead in his bathtub. I could already see it on the news.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2015 ⏰

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