Pt1 .holy shit.

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Kirans pov•

As I felt someone shaking me up from my sleep I whined loudly slapping the hand away cuddling into the warm bed "come on dear u have to go to work" my mum said to me kindly "mum please just 5 more minutes" I whispered with my raspy wake up voice "nope I'm sorry or you won't get no pancakes" my mum said teasingly "ugh fineee" I sat up rubbing my eyes "good boy now go change and then come downstairs yeah?" She asked "hmm yeah" I replied lazily swinged my legs over to the cold floor.

I walked over to the bathroom grabbing a towel underneath the sink and stripped out of my clothes throwing them into the laundry basket thing "bullseye" I muttered as I stepped into the shower.
•Small time skip•
After showering i got dressed into this outfit:

•Small time skip•After showering i got dressed into this outfit:

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I smelt like citrus and vanilla.
I grabbed my earphones and my phone then I headed downstairs to eat some pancakes yay.
•Time skip cuz I'm lazy asf•
(Btw that's his foster mother but since she's very caring and treats Kiran as her own son and slowly earned kirans trust due to his trauma which he now calls his foster mum his mother)

I was sitting in class feeling bored as ever so you see I don't have many real friends I only have one friend and that's liya but we only have one class together unfortunately. I was now fading into my amazing sleep but then this ugly ass dumb flat no tits teacher called me "Kiran what is the answer to this question?" She asked jokingly since it was the hardest question on the page since she's a new teacher she doesn't know me and trying to make a fool of me which makes me giggle "it's 18835.0 miss" I said straight forward she looked stunned and I said "what cat got your tongue miss?" While smirking "u-uh correct.." she said shocking the class then suddenly the bell rang.

I got up and walked down the door with some of the students following. Since it was dinner time i walked through the hall to the cafeteria. I saw liya "hey liya!" I said as I got closer to the lunch table "hey Kiran!" She yelled she's a very extroverted person unlike me.

Liya 185'11•She's very extroverted, good with children,loves collecting dresses,loves shopping,she's so slay,can be mean when u mess with her family and friends•She's a fem dom and likes women ______________________________________________________...

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•She's very extroverted, good with children,loves collecting dresses,loves shopping,she's so slay,can be mean when u mess with her family and friends•
She's a fem dom and likes women

I sat down and she started to gossip about the new students which has been in her 3 classes so far "wait new students?" I questioned since I haven't heard at all "what? It's been all over the school" she asked in confusion "uh idk were they fit?" I asked  which earned a massive "YES" she started to talk so fast that I couldn't even understand " calm your tits talk slowly so I can actually understand you" as I said  that the whole cafeteria went silent making me go confused as fuck liya gasped  "what?" I asked while confused then liya suddenly whispered "look by the cafeteria door" in my ear blushing so I looked at the cafeteria door to find 3 handsome sexy mother fuckers and a girl which liya was blushing at I smirked as I blushed at the 3 men "you weren't wrong liya" I said leaning into my hand while playing call of duty on my phone.

The 3 fine men and the woman sat down sat at a random empty table in.i looked up at liya saying "soo u have a fat crush on her aye?" While smirking glancing up from my phone seeing that she was turning into a tomato "yeah" she muttered "what was that?" I said jokingly putting my hand by my ear "yes" she said more louder getting the attention from the table next to us making me say "sorry" facepalming because of the awkwardness
Time skip again
After dinner was over I am walking to my own class alone I finally got to the class. I opened the door I went to sit right in the back by the window leaving 1 a gap between me and random person I went to sleep leaning my arms on the desk then putting my face onto my arms fading away into darkness as I heard mumbling in the class I looked up to see the 3 fine ass men I saw in the cafeteria aka known for being the new student. There sister I think or there close friend is probably in another class. before I went to sleep I heard 3 names and the 3 names were Landon,Silas and Sullivan.

To be continued......
I like this story so far so I will be updating it and there might be slow updates but I hope u enjoyed :)
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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2022 ⏰

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