I've Got You

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Amelia was exhausted to say the least. There was a major pileup right when she got to work. Back to back surgeries all day, holed up in OR 2 for a full fourteen hours. She had fifteen patients, and only one didn't survive. But of course she felt the overwhelming guilt of not being able to save that one. The patient was a single mom. And when Amelia walked into the waiting room to see the little boy curled up on a social worker's lap, she could barely hold it together. You're the reason he doesn't have a mother anymore.
She could usually pull herself together by the time she went to pick up Scout from daycare. And once she held him in her arms and looked into his adorable eyes she would always feel better. But Link had Scout for the weekend. And recently, although she wouldn't admit it to anyone other than Richard Webber, she's been having intense cravings. She wasn't sure why or when they started, all she knew is she was hanging on by a thread. And this day has pushed her to her breaking point. Her feet ache, her neck stiff and sore from looking down all day. All she wanted to do was go home to Kai and curl up in their arms. That's where she felt safe and calm. But she couldn't bring herself to leave the hospital yet. It was late, but she knew they'd still be up waiting for her. She couldn't go home and have them looking at her with their eyes full of worry support, ready to take care of her. She didn't deserve that. So she went to the attendings lounge, poured herself a cup of cold coffee, and sat down to wait it out. It was around 3am when she finally stumbled home. She smiled when she slipped into their bedroom. Kai was sprawled out across the entire bed, snoring softly. She quietly changed into pajamas, careful not to wake her sleeping partner, then crawled into bed. As soon as she laid down next to them, they started to stir. "Hi baby, I missed you" they reach out and pull her into their arms. She stays stiff as a board and starts to shake and they immediately open their eyes. "Did you have a bad day?" they ask softly. Amelia can't find any words, just looks down at her hands and nods her head slightly. "Can you tell me what happened, baby?" She keeps staring down and says nothing. They bring up a hand and start running their fingers through her hair. "That's okay, you don't have to tell me. You look exhausted. Do you think you could let me hold you while you get some sleep?" Amelia nods but her whole body is still shaking. Her body is stiff, all her muscles clenched. "Baby you need to calm down so you can get some rest. Can I help you relax? Let me take care of you".
"I'm keeping you awake" Amelia forces out. These were the first words she's said and they were a little startled but they just being up a hand to cup her cheek. "I can't sleep when I know you're hurting. Let me take care of you. You're not a burden, Amelia. I know sometimes you need to feel close to me when you're upset. Do you want me to touch you sweet girl?" Amelia blushes a deep red and bites her lip, nodding slightly. She's so embarrassed but they know all the right things to say, all the right things to do when she's feeling out of control. "Okay baby. Can you turn over and be my little spoon. I want to feel you against me". Amelia shifts over and presses back against them. They feel solid and secure. Kai leans their head down and begins placing soft kisses on her neck and jaw. They hands gently roaming her body, not wanting to move too fast, just exploring and giving her soft and reassuring touches. Amelia begins to slowly melt into them, but her brain wont turn off. She can't get her muscles to stop tightening. Kai continues to roam her body with their hands. One coming up to start teasing her breasts through her sleep shirt. "You're being such a good girl for me. Just close your eyes and feel me touching you. Relax each muscle one at a time. You feel so good Amelia". Kai knows when Amelia feels like this she needs reassurance. She definitely has a praise kink despite her self deprecating tendencies. And sometimes she just needs to be taken care of. Needs to be told she's good and she's loved. After a few minutes of giving her boobs some attention Amelia starts to get restless. She whines and pushes her hips back against them. "Do you want me to touch you, pretty baby?" She just whines again and pulls one of their hands down to the waistband of her underwear. They finally dip under the waistband to find soaking wet folds. They begin to gently circle her clit while nipping at her earlobe, wanting to build her up slowly. "You're so beautiful Amelia. So smart, so good. You feel so good when I touch you". They end each compliment with a kiss to her neck or to the side of her face. They pick up their pace a little, drawing tight and fast circles against her. Amelia rolls her hips against them and tries to stifle a moan. "No don't hide. I love the pretty sounds you make. Let me hear you". They continue their pace and soft kisses, not wanting to overwhelm their girlfriend, just building her up to that edge.
Amelia was so close. She just needed another little push. She couldn't let herself relax enough, didn't want to face the intense emotions she's been running from all day. "Kai I'm....I'm so close" she whined, tears brimming in her eyes. "Shhhhh I've got you. Just let go. I'm right here" they say as they reach up and tweak a nipple. Amelia came with a sob, every muscle tensing and shaking. Kai slowed their hand and worked her through her orgasm, pressing soft kisses on any exposed skin they could find. They wait until she's whimpering and her hips are bucking against them, then pull her onto their chest, wrapping her up in their arms and stroking her hair. "You did so good for me baby I'm so proud of you" they coo in her ear.
She nuzzles into their neck and closes her eyes. For a moment she tries to just breathe. She knows she's safe in their arms but her brain is still slightly in overdrive. But she does feel much better. Her body is boneless and soft against them. It's like their body is holding hers up, holding her together. "Let's get some sleep okay? You need to rest that beautiful brain and we can talk in the morning" she just nods slightly, still unable to process her thoughts into words, and attempts to pull them even closer. "Hey I'm right here Ames, just close your eyes". She's laying on top of them with her arms wrapped tightly around their torso. They keep one hand threaded through her thick curls, the other scratching softly up and down her back. Kai waits until they know she's asleep, her breathing finally evening out. They press a kiss to her hair before whispering "I love you, Amelia" and drift off to sleep themselves.

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