Chapter 1: Just Another Day

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I finished getting ready making sure that I grabbed my light blue beanie. After all it is my favorite one. I hop on my bike with my guitar poorly strapped to my back but sturdy enough to hold for the ride. I have to make it to the coffee shop by 5:00 pm because my gig starts at 5:30. I'm a musician! Well, I'm trying to become one at least. It's been a challenge though because I'm a one man band. Which wouldn't be too bad but I can't sing. I only really know how to play the guitar. But playing is my passion. So I try to make most of my songs be manly guitar solos. No one is as interested without singing though so I try my best. But it's obvious on some peoples faces that they second I start singing they turn off from what I'm playing.

Trying to shake that thought from my head, I press the brakes on my bike parking it in front of the shop where I can chain it up. I walk into the calm setting, the smell of roasted beans hits my nose making me smile. I love playing here, although it's not very busy it's just calming in a way and definitely helps me practice. There was something else I noticed when I walked into the room though. I heard a sweet voice singing a soft tune towards the back of the store. I walked over and saw the barista singing a song I didn't recognize. Completely in his own world as he cleaned the counter tops. I had never asked his name before all I know is that his name tag says: Bad. Which is very odd. But I can't blame him. My artist name is Skeppy which is a whole other thing.

I sit down on the small stage they had and pulled out my guitar of it's case. It wasn't until then that Bad noticed me in the room and stopped singing.

"Wha-. You walked in and didn't say anything!" The boy said, obvious embarrassment was in his voice. But I don't know why. He can sing really well.

"I didn't have a problem with it, you have a really good voice y'know." I plugged in my guitar and set it down softly so it wouldn't make a loud noise.

"Well I have a problem with it 'Skeppy' so warn me next time will ya." He said trying to make fun of my name.

"That's funny coming from you 'Bad'."

Bad grumpily walked away going to clean something in the back I suppose. It's too bad he can be frustrating. He's actually quite cute. I guess it's also fun to mess with him though.

After I finish setting up I'm finally ready to play. I strum a few cords before I get started on my set. And as if on que someone walked in right as I started to play. They rang the bell alerting Bad to come back to the counter. They ordered something but I didn't hear them. At that point I was lost in what I was playing. The soft play of the guitar took me away. That nice feeling started to fade quickly because the next part I needed to sing. I look up to the person who walked in, they were playing on their phone while they waited for their drink. With as much confidence as I could muster I sang out the first few words. It wasn't too bad but the next note was high and it made my voice crack. I tried not to laugh to myself and continued to sing. I saw the person grab their drink and say something to Bad but I couldn't hear what it was. Whatever they said didn't look good because Bad's face turned to one of concern and then he looked at me. I looked back down at my guitar and tried to ignore it but then the person came up to me.


I look up at them and stop playing, I start to get nervous.

"This is my favorite coffee shop but you're always playing in here and your singing is terrible and I don't want to hear it anymore."

They then looked at my expectantly as if they expected me to just leave. Then the manager of the store came out. They probably heard the lady complaining.

"Is there a problem out here?"

I got even more nervous and I tightened my grip on my guitar.

"There is actually," the costumer spoke. "This guy sucks, and I'm tired of hearing him."

The manager looked up to me and back at the person. "I will see what I can do."

"You better," they said before leaving the establishment.

The manager looked back at me, with a sad but caring look on his face.

"Skeppy, that was the 3rd person this week."

"To be fair I think 2 of those people were her."


I sighed loosening my composer.

"I think it's time you found a different place to play."

"Please think about this, you know I've been getting better-"

"You have and that's great but you're still causing people to not want to come here."

I got up from the stool I was sitting on to try to plead to them.

"I don't think he always drives people out," I heard Bad say.

Both me and the manager looked at him.

"In fact there was a girl yesterday complimenting him on his guitar playing."

"Look Zak is a great player but he still needs work on singing and until then I can't have him play here."

Suddenly I had an idea pop up in my head. I had to do something to keep my job. No other place would let me play. I was so lucky that the manager here decided to hear me out.

"At least give me like a week."

The manager looked at me, concern in his eyes. Just like Bad's earlier. The manager now sighed himself.

"Ok Skeppy, I'll give you one week. But if you aren't bringing in people by then you'll have to leave. I'm sorry."

"That's ok! I got you alright."

The manager smiled softly and then left the room. Silence filling it once more.

I looked over at bad who was wiping the same spot again, obviously trying not to look at me.

"Thank you," I said.

Bad looked up.

"Y'know for telling him that."

He nodded, "Yeah of course, I don't want you to lose your job."

"I um wanted to ask you something about that."

"What do you mean?"

"Helping me keep my job."

"How do you want me to do that?"

"...Could you sing for my next gig?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2022 ⏰

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