Everything's New~~~

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(sorry for being too slow in updating~~~ am just a newbieeeee XD)

You----(Your Name) sat by the vanity mirror blankly as someone fussed over lining your double lidded eyes with black charcoal and another woman gently painted your lips with light red, and accenting your pale flawless skin with light pink powder on your cheeks.

You made no move to stop them, even when they started to undress you and replaced your shabby and untidy old clothes with something more silky, and royal.

You just stood there stiffly like a doll, letting them do whatever they want to you; Scrub you clean, dress you beautifully, and make you as flawless as possible.

You didn’t want any of this though, but it was no use to put up a fight.

No matter what you did, you always ended back up where you last was.

“Your highness, you look beautiful.” One of the servant woman complimented as she dabbed some blush lightly upon your cheeks again.

But You just stared at your reflection that you wasn’t sure if it was you anymore.

You held a cold expression so no one could read the pain that burned inside your chest.

You didn’t want beauty.

You wanted your old self and life back.

Your reflection, that stranger that stared back at you with the same exact expression.

Was it You anymore?

Those soft, full lips that were a light shade of red like cherries.

That flawlessly smooth, milky white skin that seemed to glow in the moonlight.

The long, dark lashes that curved up elegantly, casting a crescent shadow beneath your eyes.

The silky black hair that draped lightly over your dark eyes in small waves.

Were this all you?

 You were never the same again, to say the least.

It’s been 1 week since you had been kidnapped into the palace, and yet you had never seen the king-to-be again, the servants claiming that he was too busy, and instead, should be worrying more about their wedding day that was coming up in 5 months.

You were not allowed to leave the palace grounds at all, not even to visit your own family, your mother and your sister.

Tonight, You were to finally meet again your soon-to-be husband, only because the king wanted to boast to the other kings about the lovely creature he had found that he will soon wed.

“Your highness, it is time we leave for the meeting.” One of the servant’s bowed, offering one hand to You.

You looked away from your reflection and slowly took the hand hesitantly, and stood up.

Tonight, you will finally meet the king's family, friends and other Royalties.

Tonight, Your life will be forever change.

Destined Forbidden Love (SJ-Fanfic) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now