loss of life

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Marin p.o.v.

I never thought my life would end up the way it did after an accident so excruciatingly painful but it did.

I was standing on the sidewalk out of breath calling my mother tears streaming down my face at an uncontrollable pace. The phone rang and rang as I turned back glancing behind me to make sure he wasn't coming still or catching up. My mom picked up and answered sounding worried at my cries, "Marin what's wrong?" It was time I tell the truth. My mother thought I was hanging out with some friends. "Mom please come get me." I begged with a loud cry. "I lied. I lied to you and dad. I went to my boyfriend's house and he had some friends over and I didn't know." I cried loudly. "Shhh. Calm down sweety I can't hardly understand you." She said in a calming hush. "His friends tried to drug me and I realized what was happening just barely and I asked to used the bathroom and escaped. They saw me leaving and chased me 15 blocks down the road now I'm on mockingbird lane and I need you to come get me before they find me or catch up to me." I cried panicking. "Honey hurry up those boys tried to-" and that's all I heard over the phone before I could hear my dad's Madara red 1965 Chevy truck revving up to go faster over the phone. I could faintly hear my mother tell him the road I was on and less than 5 minutes later I saw his truck and climbed in. A few second later a crappy blue 2014 Ford pick up pulled up and started chasing my dad's truck as my dad drove frantically down the road. A few times the Ford rammed into the backside of my dad's Chevy and I heard my mother's scared voice panicking and telling my dad to go faster. I heard my dad yell at my mother that he was going as fast as he could as we were crossing the hallows bridge before our truck was rammed right off the side of the bridge and into the water. All I could process was the screaming and then there was a hard cracking sound when impact was made into the water then nothing. There was nothingness around me and it seemed that anywhere and nowhere there was just this empty black nothing that didn't matter where I went or how far I walked it was all the same pitch blackness. It surrounded me and I started freaking out intensely. For a long time I just wondered around in the emptiness before I started hearing a strange beeping sound. I started waking up and as soon as I opened my eyes I had to close them. 'why is it so bright?' I thought to myself trying to remember the last thing that happened. When it all come back I forced my eyes open and let them adjust to the brightness around me. I remembered my ex boyfriend and his buddies chasing our truck down, I remembers them ramming us off of the hallows bridge and I remember all of our screams until there was nothing but silence again. I looked around at my surroundings to see that I was in the hospital. There were white walls, white floors, green chairs, a small television and medical equipment including the heart monitor that beeped in steady rhythm's to my left. I saw a nurse adjusting and IV and I croaked out, "whe- where's" I cleared my throat which was tender from being dry and unused. "Where's my parents?" I asked the nurse. She looked over at me in surprise. "Well look at you. Your awake. Your parents are in the ICU right now trying to survive. Your father hit his head pretty hard on the window and your mother hit her head on the dashboard of the truck and got a piece of glass stuck in her throat. You have a broken arm and a concussion so you need to take it easy dear." She had told me. "Let me go get the doctor and we will check how your doing now." And then she left and it was silent again save for the beeping. The doctor came in a few hours later and checked me again to make sure my health didn't change any and had to inform me that my parents had died. From then I couldn't focus on anything. There was no more reason for anything anymore. A week later I had been discharged and my aunt came by, the only relative I had left. My mother's sister Henrietta planned the funerals and it was a week and half later that we had the viewing. That day seemed to hit me worse as seeing their bodies laying there cold and lifeless showed to me that everything was very much real. They weren't coming back and I was completely alone now. Henrietta had informed me that I was adopted as well and that they had adopted me as a small baby. My world was ending it seemed and everything was getting worse but also it was as if I could no longer feel anything anymore. Empty is all I could feel. I tried anything and everything just to feel something again even drank strange liquids I had no idea what they did, and once I swear at one point in time one of them made my nipples tingle but then it was nothing again. It was so bad that I figured I wasn't even human anymore. Days turned into months and my misery couldn't seem to end no matter what I did, No matter how hard I cried, and no matter how much I had suffered.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2022 ⏰

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