Chapter 10

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We made it to the house and Kian opened my door for me. We walked into the house and I decided to see if Andrea was here. I didn't see her on the couch so Kian and I went up to her room. The door was closed so I pushed it open a bit.

When I looked in I was disgusted. What I saw made me scream. There sitting on the bed was Cameron and Andrea sucking each others faces on the bed. My eyes widened and I saw a tear fall from kians cheek. What was going on here?

I thought Cameron liked me and Andrea was in love with Kian. I guess we were wrong.

Cameron's POV

I know it seems bad but I was just trying to make Andrea jealous when I dated Bethany. I never really wanted to date Bethany. When I saw my chance with Andrea I went for it. I feel bad because Bethany really liked me but I didn't really like her. Oh well.

Andreas POV

I know it's bad but I had liked Cameron for a while but I never thought he liked me but when I found out he did I didn't care about Kian and I went right for Cameron. Sorry Bethany.

Bethanys POV

I was hurt but not really. I know it's sad but I was happy. At least I don't have to worry about telling Cameron that I was using him. Now Kian would break up with Andrea and I would have my chance. "I-I can explain" Andrea stuttered to Kian.

"You know what! No!" Kian yelled. "I loved you Andrea and you never loved me. Apparently I was wrong!" He spat and ran to my room and cried into my pillow. Here's my chance and I can't waste it.

Awkward (Kethany and Bameron)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt