You can't be serious!

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Your POV :

I hear footsteps approaching and then I hear someones voice. Hunter come on and get up we need help getting the stuff out of the truck he said walking out the room. And then the door closed behind him so I try and get up from under his bed and I thought the coast was clear so I scoot out and see Hunter looking at me. Well look who it is he said giving me a hand while pudding his T-shirt on but before he could my mom opens the door and seen us.
Y/n what the hell is going on my mom yelled.

Nothing mom I can explain okay. I decided to sleep in Hunter's bed because my blowup air mattress isn't really that comfortable but then he came in the room to wake me up and then he ended up falling asleep as well. I said trying to talk really fast. What's going on Fred said coming back in the room. Nothing I will tell you in a few minutes my mom said and I don't believe you y/n we will talk about this later right now y'all can go get the stuff out the car.

Okay I said holding my head down going outside.
As soon as we got outside I went off on Hunter.
Oh my God this is all your fault if you would have just stayed on the sofa or woke me up and told me to move I wouldn't be getting yelled at right now I told him. It's not really my fault if you would have just stayed on the sofa or even went to your room you wouldn't be getting yelled at don't you think Hunter said sounding like a smart ass. What's going on why are y'all yelling Brandon said coming outside. It's nothing y/n just doesn't know how to use her brain Hunter said loud enough for me to hear as I was walking off back into the house.  Ugh I'm so sick of being here already and it's only the second day I thought to myself walking in my room. Soon after I heard a knock at my door and then my mom walks in. Y/n We need to talk about what happened earlier she said looking at me. Okay mom well let me explain what happened. There is no okay mom let me explain do you know how this makes me look.
it looks like I failed as a mother we just got here yesterday and you're already doing something stupid. Like what am I supposed to say oh I'm sorry my daughter doesn't know how to act like a lady my mom said raising her voice at me. Mom I'm sorry okay I didn't mean to I said trying not to cry.

Yea you don't mean to do anything just get your act together I don't wanna talk to you about this again are we clear she said. YEs I said as my voice cracked then she walked out of my room and didn't close the door. Three tears rolled down my cheek as I got up and closed the door and locked it shortly after she left.


I know what your thinking oh this sad pitiful girl can't handle getting yelled at by her mommy. Well that might be a little bit true but it's more than just that this isn't no first time thing. I slowly get my travel bag and grab my shaver and break it and pull the little blade out with tears running down my face I thought to myself always do the top of your forearm and don't go too deep if you don't want to die for real. Even though it really doesn't matter which side you do you can live or die either way.

So I grab the blade and put it on my arm and go just deep enough for a little blood to come out. As I try to make this pain and sadness go away that I feel inside me. I don't know but sometimes I just feel so empty like I'm not even here it's like I'm watching my body function without me being inside of it or giving the right emotions.

Then as I put the 5th cut I just go over the first ones again making it bleed a little more. Fuck what is wrong with me I thought as I leaned my head back against the wall crying thinking of all the sad stupid things I could possibly think of I finally snapped out of it and got up and went to the bathroom and wash my face then poured alcohol on my arm and changed into a long sleeve and baggy joggers and laid out on my air mattress and fell asleep.


(Later on that day )

I woke up to someone knocking on my door.
Hey y/n it's Brandon your mom told me to tell you to come here  he said then walked away.
Ugh great now I have to talk to her again I thought to myself as I got up and walked out my room. Brandon said you called me I said walking into the living room where my mom is.  Yes I did come on let's go she said walking out the front door and got in the car.  Okay but where are we going I said getting in the front seat.  We're going to run a little errand and then grab a bite to eat she said pulling out the driveway.

Okay but I'm not hungry so I'm coming a long for the ride. We finally arrive to my moms destination and she ran a few errands as I waited in the car then she finally came back. Okay y/n I'm done so where do you want to something to eat. I don't know I said I wasn't hungry but what do you want. I asked you so let me say this again what do you want to eat y/n my mom said. I guess Five Guys will be fine I said knowing I wasn't even hungry.

We finally arrive to Five Guys. What do you want to eat y/n my mom said looking at me. I don't know I'm not really hungry but I guess I'll take some fries that are crispy like well done I have a good to the restroom I'll be back I said walking off.
When I got back I see my mom talking to someone that works here so I walked over. Hey  y/n this is John my mom said looking at me hi John it's nice to meet you I said with a small smile. he's the general manager and he said he can hire you if you put in an application my mon said. Oh okay that's nice I will have to do that I said sitting down. Sure let me go get you an application John said walking away.  So what do you think would you like working here my mom said. I'm sure it will be fine but a little nervous to be a cashier for the first time I said.

Then John came back with the application and handed it to me. My mom and I talked for a while as I filled out my application and then she went to wait in the car.
Hey is John still back there I need to give this to him I asked one of the girls working there raising my application up. Yea sure let me go give it to him the girl said taking it and walking off. Okay y/n so what we're going to do is I can have you come back for a interview on a day your free how's that sound.
Yes that would be great I'm free tomorrow afternoon. Sounds like a place I will see you tomorrow then y/n.

Okay thank you I said finally going outside and getting in the car to go home with my mom.
So what happened my mom asked as she pulled out of the parking lot. Well I have a interview tomorrow afternoon so I guess we will see how that goes I said with a smile. I don't know why your smiling you need to make sure you will be able to get to work on time because you know you don't have your drivers license yet and you need to be able to give the customers their proper change.

But your the one who was telling me about that this job mom.  That doesn't mean I said to get the job.
Okay so what do you want me to do then because I'm even hired yet.  Nothing it's fine I will just have to find a way to work it with what I have going on.
After that conversation we rode the rest of the way home in silence. 
Shortly after we arrived to the house. I said thank you and went in the house I got to my room getting my stuff ready to go take a shower but when I reached for the door knob it was locked and someone turn on the water to the shower so I walked out of my room and go to Brandon's room knocking on the door I called out hey Brandon are you about to take a shower.
No that's Hunter he said he was about to use the shower a few minutes before you came in the house  Brandon said through his door.   Oh okay well thanks. I go back to my room and lay on my blowup mattress. Man I'm so sick and tired of being here I wonder if it's gonna be like this ever day I thought myself as I slowly fall asleep.

Soon later I woke up to a dripping wet Hunter.
Hey get up sleepyhead I heard that you needed to use the shower so go on be my guest but hopefully there's still some hot water left he said with a little laugh. Ugh please get out of my room your getting my floor wet. Now wouldn't you like that he said looking at me. God no can you just leave I need to take a shower I  said pointing to the door.
Yea sure I've seen enough he said as I looked down seeing his hard dick staring right at me through his towel. Really what the fuck Hunter said said  pulling my towel a little tighter and close my door and locked it and got in the shower.


To Be Continued.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2022 ⏰

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