●what would happened if i drink two thousand cup of tea?
●why dont we use our legs to eat??why do we use our
legs to walk?●what if in another universe we walk why our hands? Or we
Evolutionated and gain the ability to fly telepathicly ?●what is school didn't exists? What if in another universe we
Are like giraffes?●what would happened if we didn't have prison?instead
We could have a sistem that changes the person
Psychic?●What if theres a universe where we want to be like the us in this universe??
● What if the whos from dr seus grinch are real but we just
Cant see them?● Porque no podemos mesclar comidas sin que nos de
Un daño de estómago?●Si supiera la fecha de mi muerte la podría prevenir?
●que tal si los sueños son premoniciones de los otros tu de otros
Universos ?●por que escucho una vos diferente al leer esto?
●por que sentimos la ropa??
.Eso es todo tengan un buda raton ;)
Random Thoughts -By Me,myself And I
Short Storyjust random thoughts i have Don't expect too much ESP/ENG Created by : a simp of buda ;)