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Hello people,
Firstly how are you guys?
I know I know it has took me ages to put up a chapter but honestly I have been busy with school and tuition I am a personal stuff also.
But honestly I am Missed writing And reading your comments of course so just thought to come back and right but the only thing I can do is uploaded and edited chapters.
If you guys are okay in the reading and an edited chapter so yeah I will be okay to post that
Do tell and comment if you want unedited or edited chapter but with lots of waiting 😝

By the way guys I have completed one year of writing wait🤔 and one year and one month 👻🥳🥳🥳
Thank you for so much of your support in past one year and I am happy to make most of my friends through here I have a few amount which is really close to me since then till today that a small piece of my heart which I am carrying along with me forever I love you guys :)

& Guys do suggest me some nice plots to write or whatever you want to read I will for Surely write that😊😊

Peace ✌🏻
Saisha 🤍

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