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Marshall's already pale face turned absolutely gaunt. "How do you know that?" He whispered, his voice hoarse. "Your clothes," I explained. "no dirt in Aaa looks like that. But it does in the Night-o-sphere. It stained my clothes when I went, & it took Cake forever to get it out of her fur." I smiled inwardly, remembering Cake swearing to Glob that she was going to kill Marshall for causing this. "And you smell like sulfur too. Sulfur & bananas." Marshall grinned at me, flashing his fangs, but his eyes still looked slightly troubled. "It stained so badly because it's not dirt, it's the remembers of black magic. Of a spell that failed. It's very sticky at first, but it eventually crumbles to dust." He smiled. "And as for the bananas... I've wondered about that myself." I shook my head, he was trying to distract me. As if he needed to try! His dirt smudged face & large eyes did that well enough for him.
"That doesn't answer my question." I said. Marshall sighed. He looked hesitant, & then sighed again, but now it sounded resigned.
"He wanted me to... help him with... something." He said reluctantly. He set his jaw then, & I knew that he would say no more. I looked at the shy for a moment. It was still hot, & I was staring to sweat, so I took off my hat, shaking out my long hair. Cake was constantly trying to get me to brush it, but it was curly, & it would just get tangled again. I closed my eyes as my head fell back, enjoying the breeze. I felt my hair being shifted, & turned to see Marshall had a few long curls in his hand, & he was looking at them with awe. "It's like liquid sunshine." He breathed. Then he dropped the locks & stepped backwards, looking stunned with herself. "I have to go." He said quickly,& he grabbed a bag that I hadn't noticed off of a low hanging tree branch, slinging it up & hitching it around his shoulder. It was light tan & canvas, & it looked light enough, like it only had a few things in it. I still wanted to know what his father had asked of him. I had an idea of when we could meet up again suddenly. "Marshall," I blurted out suddenly, before I could stop myself. "A-are you going to the ball tomorrow? We can talk more there." He paused, & he looked contemplative. Suddenly, he got a wicked look in his eye.
"Alright, I'll go... but only one condition." I didn't like the way that he said that.
"What condition?" I asked cautiously. He looked me dead in the eye. You have to be my escort. I'll pick you up & drop you off, you have to dance with me one time, &, in turn, I'll be the perfect gentleman, & tell you what you want to know. Glob it! He knew that I'd never agree to this... but what if I did? I wanted too. Why the math not? "Okay." I said smoothly, looking him dead on the eye. He looked taken aback, & then he grinned salaciously. "Okay then," He said, just as smoothly. "It's a date." I opened my mouth to protest, -this was not a date- but he cut me off, darting over to kiss my hand. His lips were so smooth, so cold, yet my skin burned where his lips had pressed. I felt him against my skin, his fangs pressing lightly. "Until tomorrow night, my fair lady." He said softly, then straightened up, & turned. He paused on the edge of the forest, just & waved before disappearing, just as Cake burst in the clearing. "Fiona, I- who was that?" She asked.
"It was Marshall." I answered. And I sounded out of breath, even to myself. "I have a date with him tomorrow." 'Only because of his promise,' I thought quickly. 'I would hold him to that promise too, as strongly as if my life depended on it.'

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