Part Ten: Avengers... Disassemble...

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Warnings: N/A

Summary: You finally got your Hotpocket.


Two days after the battle had commenced, ending in your victory, the team was gathered once more.

This time to see the two Asgardians off.

Partly to wish Thor a goodbye. And partly to make sure Loki didn't try anything else.

Meeting in Central Park, surrounded by S.H.I.E.L.D. agents at the ready.

"Ah, my friend." Thor smiled coming your way, arms out by his sides, while Bruce placed the Tesseract into its protective tube behind him.

"Sad to see you leave again, Thor," you replied, after giving him a hug goodbye.

"We will see each other again, I'm sure of it."

"Something tells me you're right." Folding your arms across your chest, you asked, "You seen Jane in our off time?"

The God sighed, almost ashamed of himself, bowing his head, "I had to watch over Loki. Maybe next time."

"Thor," you chastised him softly, knowing that his intentions were pure. But could also read the fear of seeing the woman again, after so long, clear as day upon him, "You know if you drag this out, it will only be harder for you to deal with."

He nodded solemnly.

"But alas, I will see her the next time I'm here. However, right now, I must return Loki to my realm."

"Good luck.."

"And to you, my friend. In all your endeavours."

Thor stepped back, taking the tube from Eric with a nod, and moved to the circle grate upon the ground. Offering Loki the free handle to grab.

When the man who thought himself a king now muzzled and a prisoner glanced around at the gathered heroes, you waved to him sarcastically once he got to you. Tony chuckled at your side, joining your actions.

When the brothers each held an end to the contraption, blue light surrounded them once it was clicked into place. Making you take a step away from the energy field, watching as it masked their forms and shot them into the sky in blue particles of dust.

"Right. Bye, guys. I'm gonna go back to sleep,

" was your goodbye to the team, as they all moved to share their own farewells.

"'Do you ever not think about sleep?" Steve asked you.

"Do you blame me?"

Natasha walked past you as you headed for your motorcycle, her and Clint towards the S.H.I.E.L.D. car. The red-head threw you a slight wind, a smile that you were unable to hide pulling across your face.

Every time you thought the woman couldn't stir more feelings inside of you, she proved you wrong. Yet again.

You said you were going to sleep.

Instead, you chose to follow Tony back to the tower after dropping the scientist off at one of his private jets taking him wherever he wanted to go.

If Pepper asked, no, you did not race back.

You totally did.

The tower was just as trashed the last time you were there two days prior.

This time with a multitude of building materials around the room you ambushed Loki in.

"I want the biggest room!" you called, walking up to the workbench Pepper and Tony stood at, munching on a steaming Hotpocket.

"Hey." Tony pointed at the food in your hand. "Those are mine, from our bet."

Around a mouthful of the scolding snack, you said, "And they're delicious."

"You're getting the smallest room."

"This is the last one," you egged him on, pointing down to your plate.

The man's eyes squinted at you.

"You're getting a storage closet."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2022 ⏰

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