001 - pretty you

257 11 0

Word Count: 1,382

TAGS: Hand Jobs, Kissing, Biting, Spit As Lube, overuse of the word adrenaline, messy kissing, like uh its wet, inspired by a tweet

Kai is sweaty and achy and he still feels the rapid beat of his heart thrumming and pulsing in his ears. The rush of performing is still running through him and the boys are all still vibrating with adrenaline and he's right there with them, fingers trembling as he wipes off his sweat and looks around.

Soobin meets his gaze, the sparkle in his leaders eyes makes the beating of his heart feel like it will never calm back down and looking at him, at the way he grins and reaches for him with excitement and need, Kai knows he isn't the only one still feeling so excited from performing. That he's not the only one who feels like he'll buzz out of his skin any minute.

When Soobin's fingers wrap around his wrist, Kai exhales shakily, feels his eyes prickling and he ignores the way Yeonjun laughs as he's pulled away from the three of them.

It's unconventional, and way too risky and obvious where they end up. Kai wants to laugh, wants to whine and tease his hyung about the cliché-ness of it as Soobin pushes him into a random little room that ends up being for storage. He has the quip on the tip of his tongue but it dies out as Soobin crowds him against the door and kisses him.

Kai doesn't bother to push down his moan, lets it out and shudders as Soobin's hands press into his waist, digging into his skin over his shirt with every curl of his fingers. Soobin is breathing heavy, his kisses are uncoordinated and messy and Kai whines as he feels the wetness dribble down his chin, feels it at the corner of his mouth.

"Sorry, I'm sorry." It's the first thing Soobin says when he pulls away. Kai wants to laugh, because he always does this. Always apologizes and yet doesn't stop his biting kisses or the curling of his fingers or the grinding of his hips. He always apologizes for how messy it is with the adrenaline buzzing through his skin and the thrumming pulse in his own ears as he bites at Kai's neck hard enough to hurt if Kai himself wasn't overflowing with the same adrenaline as he was.

Soobin presses another kiss to his lips, nibbling on his bottom lip before he's trailing down soft pecks over his jaw and down to his neck. Kai feels the way he shudders out his next breath, feels the way one of his hands comes up to touch his neck and the way his fingers touch the choker almost delicately. Kai holds his breath, stops moving completely and his fingers tense on his shoulders where they're curled into the material of Soobin's shirt. The breath comes out in a long whine, a noise he's pretty positive someone outside must have heard and he bares his throat to his leader even more.

Soobin's hands are quick and desperate, as needy as Kai feels and he doesn't hesitate to tug both of their pants down to just about mid thigh, he's muffling a groan into Kai's neck, shuddering and gasping as he bites along the choker, leaving light pinkmarks that will eventually turn a darker shade. Kai bucks into it when he feels Soobin's hand wrap around his cock, he had been needy and leaking since he'd been dragged off away from the other members, and now that he's finally getting some friction, he cant stop the way his hips push into the contact.

"Hyung," it's a gasp, lips parted and eyes desperately needy as he looks at Soobin. "Please, I need it. Need you." He knows realistically, they don't have much time before someone will come looking for them, therefore not having enough time for Soobin to fully finger him open and yet he wants it so badly he wants to shout.

Soobin nods anyway, to soothe him most likely, and brings his hand up to Kai's mouth, eyes intense and so full of fire as he whispers out, "spit."

Kai does so immediately, looks down in embarrassment yet spits in Soobin's hand with burning cheeks. Soobin makes a noise, almost a whine as he looks at him and then brings down his hand to wrap around them both. His hand is so big, Kai thinks about that a lot, but here he only briefly registers it before he's squeezing his eyes shut and groaning as he thumps his head back against the door. Soobin is holding both their cocks in his hand, pressing them together as he starts with a slow upward drag that spreads the wetness on his palm over them.

Kai wants to look down, wants to see the way Soobin's hand looks around them both and wants to look at the way his hand slowly speeds up, but he knows if he does he'll be finished far more quickly than Soobin is ready for him to. He can feel the difference like this too though, Soobin's cock is definitely bigger than his own, thicker too and it's why he likes looking , to see the comparison, and he settles for that as Soobin's fingers drag along the head of his cock, toying with his leaking slit and making his squirm and thrust up into his hand.

Soobin always finishes the fastest like this, sweaty and pink cheeked with red lips and twinkling eyes, and Kai is no different. It's always fast and messy like this, when they're driven by pure adrenaline and almost shaking with it and seeking to let it out one way or another.

Kai knows he's close, can feel the way he's starting to almost desperately pump his hand up and down and he pulls him into another kiss, bites his lip and opens his mouth willingly when Soobin's tongue pushes against his lips. "Hyung, gonna come." The words are muffled into Soobin's mouth, little gasps as Soobin's other hand comes up to pull at the choker, finger dipping into the loop until he can pull hard enough to drag Kai further against him. Kai shakes with it, cries out and feels his eyes prickle again with unshed tears and Soobin shushes him softly, bites his jaw and pulls away to look down. Kai can't help it when he comes, feels himself shake and writhe against Soobin's chest and feels the tears that finally spill down his cheeks.

Soobin muffles his own whimper against Kai's lips, desperate open mouthed kisses turning soft and languid and just as needy but sated this time. Kai can feel the wetness of their release against his skin, feels it on his thighs and on his hip, dripping down his softening cock and he shivers when he looks down to see their combined mess.

He's still breathing heavily, feels his pulse drumming in his ears, but this time it's not so much because of their performance but because of the man in front of him. Soobin's shoulders have relaxed, no longer tense and wound up, and Kai's fingers uncurl from his shirt to wrap around his neck on their next kiss.

"Better?" His voice is raw and he needs water, but he looks at Soobin instead and holds his face steady when he nods and tries looking away. "Thank you, hyung."

Kai feels the heat under his palms and he pulls him in to kiss his cheek.

Soobin looks at him with fond eyes, soft and no longer shaking in his skin and Kai shudders again, this time because of the drying mess on him. Soobin laughs, ducks his head into Kai's neck and presses a soft peck against the choker clad skin. "Thank you, Hueningie."

Kai wants to kiss him again, almost does, but then there's a voice a ways away outside from the storage closet they're in that calls out to them. "We leave in ten minutes."

Beomgyu doesn't say anything else, Kai is grateful for it and Soobin gives him a final smile before he's pulling up his pants and helping kai do the same. When they leave the storage closet, Kai feels the wetness in his pants, and it's what gets him to finally feel the last buzz leave his skin, pulling him back and holding him stable on the ground he walks on.


note: this was inspired by a tweet i saw and i just had to write something. also, this was done in about an hour so don't expect too much and dont be too hard on me for it haha 🥺🥰

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2023 ⏰

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