I don't know you

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Kise woke up feeling like shit. He found himself lying under a tree and looking at it closer, he was surprised. The tree was alive, green, with bloomed flowers on it. Were they still on the island?

- Kise- kun.

Kuroko's voice made him turn around to face the small bluenette.

- How do you feel?

- Been better.

Kise was still adjusting to the new surroundings when Kuroko continued.

- I managed to bring some areas back to life.

- That's nice.

The small bluenette moved a piece of hair away from Kise's face. He had a big deja vù. Aomine was a golden medalist at getting himself in trouble... big, big trouble. He could bet that Kise already developed some kind of anxiety disorder because of this. He could actually say this for himself as well.
The blonde looked around and spotted Akashi. He was leaning against a tree with his eyes closed and a glowing bracelet on his wrist.

- He has been like this since we got here. I think he is trying to find out something that can help us.


Aomine landed in the middle of nowhere and fell on his knees. His hand slowly moved up to his face, covering it. The black wings rested behind him, their heaviness forcing the bluenette to slightly lean forward. He felt a small hand on his shoulder, but he didn't move, he knew who it was. The girl traced her fingers to Aomine's left wing, burrying her hand into the soft feathers. She once had them as well, she thought.

- Don't touch me. - The bluenette spoke.

He had still not moved a single muscle. Hiruko burried her hand deeper, catching one if the feathers, slightly pulling it.

- Speak louder, Aomine- kun, I didn't hear you.

Aomine finally glanced at her. Their bloody red eyes met and the demon smiled, still pulling the feather out of the bluenette's wing. She sat next to him, dangerously close, too close. She could hear his loud breathing, his big, manly chest was moving up and down slowly.

- Have you swallowed you tongue?

She took the feather out. She knew perfectly fine how painful that was and it was exactly what she wanted- to cause him pain. Aomine managed to stay still. He didn't move, he didn't make a noise. Hiruko slid the feather on her lips slowly, looking at the bluenette's face with a smirk.

- You are fucking mine. -She said inbetween her teeth.

Throwing the feather to the ground with force, she caught Aomine's jaw. She could now see the anger within his eyes, the eyes she gave him.

- Fucking... mine...

Saying this again, she crashed her lips against his. The kiss was passionate, lustfull, he didn't withdraw. He had left himself on her. His hands caught her small waist and she moved closer. This wasn't Hiruko, this was Momoi. Entering the pink haired's body, the demon inherited quite a lot of her traces. She learned the hard way that Momoi actually had a thing for this bastard. This was making Hiruko hate him even more. Her Momoi had a thing for a boy and she didn't tell her. It hurt. It hurt like hell. She broke the kiss and looked him in the eyes again. A trace of blood slipped down the bluenette's mouth. His wings started to disappear. Hiruko was still holding his jaw when the blood reached her hand.

- Pathetic.

She freed him and he immediately turned to the side and started coughing. More blood poured out. The demon stood up and walked away, licking the red liquid on her hand.

The Miracle Island: Demon InvasionWhere stories live. Discover now