✨What if pt. 7✨

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Dedicated to mltplfndm

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Italics - Chinese

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*still in 2021

"Talk to you later, Cheng. I miss you." Nara waved to her camera as she was about to end the video call. She was having a short video chat with her boyfriend, who was in China for his schedule as the Littles were having their afternoon nap.

"I miss you too, Love. I'll try to come back soon, ok?" He waved back and gave her a flying kiss, making her blushed before finally ending the call. The conversation was short but meaningful to the two of them while being in a long distance relationship until whenever he returns to Korea.

The couple had been in a relationship for a good 4 years since 2018 and it started like all relationship. They were introduced to each other, hang out, got to know each other, became close friends until someone confessed (Winwin did). At the start of the relationship, no one will ever suspected that the two were dating as they were known to be shy with each other, which put them in an advantage in keeping the relationship a secret for 3 years from everyone.


Ten questioned Winwin why he wanted to learn to speak better English so much other than to talk and understand their international fans better off camera. With that, Winwin came clean to him and boy... Ten was more excited to hear that and told the other through their group chat, making the other to burst into their hotel room.


"You're dating Nara姐姐?" YangYang asked with a big smile as he too was excited. "Like for real?" Winwin sighed and rubbed his nape before nodding, making the other 5 to cheer.

"I knew there were something suspicious between the two of them." Lucas exclaimed and shocked the said boyfriend as he was thrilled. "I can't believe Winwin哥 is dating 姐姐 for 4 years now and we hardly notice it."

"Us too." Kun said and ruffled his hair. "Are we the first one to know?"

"Our family are the first to know, then Ten哥 and then you guys." Said Winwin before letting out a chuckle when Kun put him in a headlock. "We both agreed on keeping it a secret or else she'll or we will get into trouble."

"You got a point there." Kun replied and let go of Winwin before ruffling his hair. "Remember to take good care of her, Si Cheng. There's no one else like her in this world, since Nara is one of a kind."

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