SetoSolace: Gaps

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(952 words)
(A/N: Bold=A/N or writing, Italics=lyrics or sign language)

~*^*~No-One's POV~*^*~

Seto walked up to the stage he was going to preform a special solo on. Physically he looked fine, but mentally he was flipping out. He was going to sing a song, he had memorized the lyrics, and was fine with singing, the thing he was scared of was that all of his friends were there. Including Brice. He stepped up to the mic, and took a deep breath.

(A/N: The song is called "Gaps" by GroundBreaking.)

"I have a hole in my heart...
And I don't know a lot about, how to operate on a patient who wants that void to stay where it is."

His friends were confused, but understood now why the sorcerer hadn't let them see what his script was, or what the song was. They were slightly saddened, but they had had a plan to hopefully cheer Seto up. After Sub had gotten with Ethan, the duo had come up with the scheme and explained it to they're friends, who were at this time executing the plot. They had drug Brice to this school performance with the knowledge of him and Seto liked each-other, but both were too shy to make a move.

"And, there isn't much I can do, to help myself-I've tried it all. I'm tried and true to the day I do, find the pieces that don't let me fall."

At this point, Brice was confused. Where was the cheerful, cute, nerd he'd known? It saddened him, to see his crush-of-3-years sing such a depressing song

"I've got questions and I want answers, and until I find the one that knows them all-I'll keep looking till I can't go on."

At this point, Seto had finally noticed Brice in the crowd. And stage fright was threatening to make him mess up, but he held strong.

"Missing pieces to the puzzle I can't complete. Can someone find them for me? Or help me at all..."

Brice was mentally arguing with himself over whether or not he should tell Seto. His subconscious said 'no' but he said 'maybe'.

"I... Feel alone...
7 billion people on the Earth,
But I still feel empty and it hurts. I can't fill the gaps... In my life, don't know who I am..."

Sub (A/N: Yes, yes I just did) was also affected by the lyrics his friend sang, but in a different way, he related to the lyrics if anything.

"I... Break it down...
Into bits that I can't understand, the more I think the less I can do... For you... Knowing me it must be tough- I'm sorry I'm not good enough!"

Brice nearly crapped bricks at this, he couldn't believe that Seto had just said that. He wanted to run up those crappy, old, and creaky, steps and give his crush the biggest bear hug.

"I... Feel alone...
7 billion people on the Earth.
But I still feel empty and it hurts.
I can't fill the gaps,
In my life, don't know who I am..."

Seto had quieted down to barely above a whisper, it was supposed to be like this in the song, but that wasn't the reason. His crush, Brice, was blushing. HIS CRUSH WAS STARING AT HIM. AND BLUSHING!

"Who I am..."

"Well I guess this is me..."

"Gotta do the best I can..."

"Gotta work with what I haaave!"
"III... Feel alone..."
"7 billion people on the Earth."
"But I still feel empty-and it hurts."
"I can't fill the gaps,"
"In my life-But that's who I am!"
"Who I aa-aaa-aaam!"

Brice grinned, THIS was the Seto he'd known. He waited by the stage exit door while the others... Snickered? And cleared out of the building, he ignored the other singers, dancers, all sorts of contestants. He wanted one boy, and that boy was Seto.

~*^*~Seto's POV~*^*~

I walked out the exit door, hood up, head down, hands in hoody pocket. I didn't expect to be tackled into a hug, by the one person I'd not expected, Brice, the same person who was staring-AND BLUSHING-at me from the audience. I mentally prepared to be yelled at, or hit, for the lyrics in that song. I didn't know why, I just did. What I really didn't expect, was to be kissed. 'MY CRUSH IS KISSING ME! HOLY CRAP!' I then realized, I never kissed back. 'OH SHIZ!' But he'd already shot out the exit door. "NO! WAIT BRICE- Oh sh*t!" (A/N: Yea... I don't cuss! Sorry!) I darted after him, giving myself Speed 7.

~*^*~Time-skip of fanart~*^*~

I finally found him at an old rusted swing set, I stopped the Speed buff and gave myself Invisibility. I walked up behind him and sat on the swing beside him.

"I'm such an idiot, why would he like me?"

My heart snapped and I removed the invisibility imedietly. He jumped and stood to leave but I froze his feet. (A/N: OH THAT'S GONNA HELP!) Shut up! I'm trying ok? Anyway, I yanked him towards me, and our lips collided. "I like you too!" I said afterwards.

(A/N: Oh Primus... I'm so bad at kissing scenes... Anyway, thanks for reading! SubThan pt 2 after this! BYE LITTLE NINJAS!)

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