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London's Pov
A swipe with a knife and he cut a small slit in my thigh making wince.

" I told you.. we could have done this easy." He said crouching down to me.

"I-I don't know.." I whispered.

"Liar!" He yelled as I felt a kick to my stomach.

"P-Please stop." I sobbed out feeling it to be harder to breathe.

"Father must have told you at least. He couldn't have raised such a perfect daughter." He said as I felt the cold blade knife on my cheek.

"He never raised me. I raised myself." I spat before feeling a slice against my cheek.

"I know. He told me all about you. Haven't he not mentioned me once?" He asked.

He circled around me as I begin to feel my body back. I could move my arms and my legs as I tried standing up only to me met with the floor as he stepped on my back.

"I took over. Because you put mom and dad in jail. So if we're thinking correctly here... this is your fault." He said.

"And if you could just tell me where the money is we wouldn't be here where we are now..." he said as I gulped down tears.

"Mom says that you were the oldest and would have taken over. But... when she realized how innocent and how you'd never be fit for this she made me take her place."

"She was going to kill you... but your stupid guard was on stand. On and by the way... who is she? She's hot as fuck." He said making me feel a course of anger through me.

I slipped out from under his foot and kicking both of them to let him fall. He hit his head as I tried getting up but my body just didn't let me...

"Stupid fucking bitch." As I felt a repeated kicks in my side making me cough up.

He left me there... he just left as I heard the door open and open again.

I saw her... her again. She kneeled down before dragging me to a nearby wall. She leaned me up as my head hung low before taking car of deep wounds.

"You okay?" She asked me as I looked at her.

"W-Why do you care." I mumbled.

"I don't know..." she said as it was not the face I saw kidnapping me.

She looked scared...

"I won't let him do anything but you have to give him an answer." She said.

"I- really don't know." I whispered.

"Are you sure? Your dad hasn't mentioned it once?" She said and I shook my head no.

"I-I'm sorry..." as I felt the bruises and cuts start to swell up.

"It's okay... I'll patch you up alright?" She said as I lolled my head to the side.

"Hey look at me..." She said touching up my lip.

"I'll... bring food out for you." She said leaving me.

When it felt like forever just sitting there I watched her bring a book and some food out for me.

"Here is some soup and a cup of juice. Oh... and a pride and prejudice book if you'd like to read." She said.

"We'll bring out a mattress for you." She said and I weakly nodded.

I didn't bother eating. I fell asleep in a moment and woke up to feeling my body being moved into a mattress before going straight to sleep.


"So all you have to do to disable this is just cut the blue and then the red wire." She said sitting next to me.

"Why you showing me this?" I asked and she looked at me.

"Well... I- Uh... I don't know." She said wordless.

"I just never had someone to talk to." She said and I smiled.

"Hey Uhh.. how long have I been gone?" I asked and she looked at me.

"I-... about 3-4 days." She said quietly.

"WHAT!" I yelled and she looked at me gulping.

"I should be home right now. Please you have to let me out." I begged her.

"They will kill me. I can't." She said getting up.

"I'm sorry." She said leaving me.

Anna's POV
"She's been missing for what? 5, 6? Days?" I said getting frustrated but the moment now.

"Anna... calm down." Jaylen said coming in with an evidence.

"Alright we got a barrel of an image right here from the cameras." She said showing on the screen.

It showed a couple one man and one girl. One boy had hair just like London. Almost white and the girl had dirty blond.

I looked closer seeing things that London has exactly. Hair... similar facial features...

"The boys name is Landon... L-Landon Anderson." Jaylen said looking at me.

"You two I want you to bring the father and mother down. Now." I said grabbing files and leaving the office.

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