Chapter 3 - see me

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"Lets celebrate!!" Soobin shouted
He got a lot of beer and wine and everyone started drinking and eating pizza ofc (soobin ordered pizza before everyone came)

2 hours later

Everyone at the party was so drunk, they joked around, took pictures
But Beomgyu took it the diffrent way
He grabbed Taehyun by his wrist and rushed upstairs, to soobin's bedroom

Taehyun locked the door and Beomgyu started to kiss him,
That passionate kiss was giving Taehyun butterflies in his stomach, they both took off their shirts and kissed alot, because they were drunk

After 30 minutes, after they finished making out, they fell asleep cuddling
Soobin had a key to his room for some reason and unlocked the door, he saw them cuddling and sleeping,
"Awe, lemme take a pic of this" Soobin said as he took a picture of them

Soobin slept on the couch that night

Monday, 6th february, 9:00 am

Beomgyu and Taehyun woke up
"THE FUCK???" Both of they boys screamed
Soobin comes in "hey uh u made out last night and u went nasty as hell, i even took a picture of u both while u were shirtless, look!" He showed the picture to them
"I- what???" Beomgyu wonders
"Well anyway u gotta leave before 12 pm bcuz my mom is coming home and she will kill me if she sees you both and alcohol" He warned

Beomgyu and Taehyun left Soobin's house and then decited to stay on a bench to talk a bit
"Look, i know we were drunk as hell last night and we made out but we cant accept the fact that we did it even though i hate you with my whole life
No, i never hated you, i just acted this bad ever since my dad died" Beomgyu says

"My dad died when i was 13 years old, and when i found that out, i cried nights and days, i couldnt go to school and i couldnt eat at all
When i turned 15, my mom started to abuse me so much, told me it was my fault my father died and we had only 500,000 won left in our bank account, which to me looks like a lot but my mom says that its too little
She didnt feed me, she slaped me, and another sensitive topic is that she almost killed me by stabbing
Luckily im still alive, but i dont think i can survive any longer,
Thats why im so rude to you, because i have PTSD, Psychological issues, Depression and a triggering life, im so sorry i have done those scars, i know you are poor and your mother abuses you," Beomgyu explained but after that he started crying

"oh my gosh,, im so sorry for what is happening to you, my mom cutted me with a vase one time and i still have the cut on my wrist" Taehyun replied as he shows his wrist
"My wrist is cutted too!" Beomgyu replied

"Heh, we have alot in common, asshole <3" Taehyun said
"I hate you asshole <3" Beomgyu replied

They just became friends just by making out in Soobin's room, Beomgyu seems to regret his actions to Taehyun
As the months pass by, he became nicer to Taehyun, and Taehyun is still making out with beomgyu from time to time and still loving and caring

3 years later

Taehyun's life became better, his mother moved away from him (probably died too, but he doesnt really care, because of all the torture his mom did), he got a new boyfriend, and now is going to Collage
At Kikari Jumi IT International Collage in America

His boyfriend Beomgyu goes to Haru Language Studying Collage in Korea, he plans to become a translator for movies while Taehyun wants to work in the IT market and get a job

They still video chat from time to time but not always

Beomgyu is 21 years old now while Taehyun is 20

In one video call, they talked about certain things

End of Chapter 3

Enemies to lovers (taehyun and beomgyu)Where stories live. Discover now