Part 1

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(In this imogen kept her baby so yeah I hope you like it)

Tabby POV
I finished my shift at the movies but before I left Wes came up to me and asked me "hey do you want to go out with me" I said "no I have a girlfriend" he said "oh I didn't know" I walked out and drove back home so I could see my girlfriend and my baby I went inside and walked upstairs to mine and imogens room to see imogen and the baby she says "hey your back finally" I say "yep I came fast as I could" I walk over to imogen and kissed her and then kissed the baby on the forehead I then I went to go get changed my clothes after I took a shower then I laid down next to imogen she digs her head in my neck and then I hear her breathing calm down I then I fell asleep

I woke up and got ready I got my backpack and told my mom I am going to school and kissed her cheek I walk to mouses house to pick her up I knocked on her door and her mom came out "oh hi noa" I said "hi can I come in" she says "yeah mouse is in her room" I walk to her room and see her getting ready I knock on her door and she looks at me and runs to me and kisses me we haven't really got to hang out a lot because I have track and other stuff to do but I don't have track today and I don't have to help my mom with her shifts at pinball pizza mouse gets done getting dressed and walked to school hand and hand we got to school and mouse said "I have to get to class see you at lunch" she kissed me and left and so did I

Faran pov
Since me and Kelly have been dating me and her have been hanging out and she has been spending the night at my house my mom really doesn't like Kelly but idc I love her I go to my moms room and say "hey mom Kelly is coming over so don't talk about her please I don't want her to get upset" she says "fine I will try not to but if I don't get mad if she comes crying to you" I roll my eyes at her and go to my room to wait for Kelly it was a few minutes later and I heard a knock at the door I walk to the door and open it Kelly was standing there crying I asked why she was crying she said "can we go to your room to talk please" I said "yeah come on" I took her hand and closed the door and walked to my room I closed my door and I asked again why are you crying she said "my dad h.h.he kicked me out because I told him I was gay and I was dating you" I hug her and told her "you can stay with me and my mom" she says "but your mom hates me" I say "idc what she says your my girlfriend and I can do what I want" she smiles and hugs me Kelly and me walk to my moms room I open her door and say "mom Kelly's dad kicked her out for being gay she is staying with us weather you like it or not" my mom says "fine but don't do anything bad" I say  "ok we won't thanks" me and Kelly walk to my room and lay down and cuddle and fall asleep

(I know it is short but I hope you like it when I published it the first time I didn't mean to and I didn't know how to unpublished)

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