Brunch with Luke

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You've just been cast by James Wan for a new horror movie. You were hanging out at your house you share with Luke.

"So, what happened?" Sarah, Dean's fiancée asks.

"Right, so Luke said he wanted kids over dinner last night, and I go, but wait we're not married yet. He excused himself from the table and came back with the red velvet box, and that's how I got the ring!!" You say. As you get up, someone calls you, and you notice that it was Luke.

"Babe, are you up for brunch?" He asks

"Yeah but, Evangeline, And the two Sarahs are here." you say

"They're coming, the boys are here" he asks and you hang up.

You grab your bag and put a little make up on your face, with the help from Sarah, dean's fiancée. You all went out to your car and you drove, all singing to Ellie Goulding.
You arrived at the restaurant.

"Hey babe, what's up?" You gave Luke a quick kiss and you sit beside him, and he holds your hand.

"You guys are so cute! Too jealous of your cuteness" Evangeline says

"You guys are cuter. Actually you all are cute except me." you say

"Oh stop, you're the most beautiful person I have laid my eyes on." Luke says while holding your hand.
You all share laughs and eat your food. At the end of the day, you all say your goodbyes and head home.

"Did you have a good time?" Luke asks while taking his shirt off. You admire his body.

"Mhm, i loved it" you say while going near Luke, kissing him. You pulled away.

"You're gonna love this more." Luke smirks.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2015 ⏰

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