constance's backstory

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In the 1300s ,many things were going on but one thing that stuck throughout history was the thing called "black death" otherwise known as the plauge. Constance was 15 when her first horrid loss came to her, she was out with a girl playing in a field as the friend looked down at the ground "Constance, do you ever wonder about the future?" Constance shrugged "Well- I do now...I wonder a future without a sickness killing millions..." She spoke picking a flower as the girl nodded "Me too but I mean...way in the 100 years from now, what do you think will happen?" Constance put the flower down looking at her "pigs will fly" she spoke as the two girls burst into a fit of laughter before Constance stood up "C'mon Abigail, I must not be late for dinner or father will have my head" Abigail smiled slightly "more like he will have our head, let us go" the girls grabbed hands and ran off to the house together and inside

Of course the plauge only got worse... Constance once had a sister, had a family at that. That were taken away slowly. Constance looked at her mother as she frowned "we can't just leave her here!" She shouted as the mother sighed "what other choice do we have Constance, you heard the doctor she'll infect us all" she spoke as she packed stuff into a bag "We need to protect the rest of our family" Constance looked at her sister who was coughing and laying down in bed as Constance teared up before the father grabbed her wrist "Constance...we must go..." Abigail looked at Constance as she gave a small smile "maybe see you in a hundred years? When...pigs fly and this whole sickness is over?" Constance nodded "promise, I promise" Constance was dragged out of the house, to find refuge somewhere else
Constance remembered the first time she met the love of her life, her name was Mary and she was a sight to behold. Constance had gotten a job as a handmaiden to princess Mary and queen Rosemary. She didn't know at this time she'd have been working under a vampire, but Constance got along with the people she worked with well.
Rosemary and Constance were close, they felt they could tell eachother anything but Constance always kept the secret about Mary at bay, but- within that Mary had found a love for Constance aswell.

Mary and Constance were sitting in the Royal garden as Mary smiled slightly looking at Constance "Constance, have you ever wanted to run away? Leave your old life behind? But you know you can't" Constance turned to Mary as she looked down "yes...I wanted to run away when my sister died but I had nowhere to go. Why do you ask?" Mary shrugged messing with a flower "just, wondering I suppose, sometimes I wish to runaway from this life, runaway with you perhaps" Constance turned to Mary blushing lightly "me?" She asked as Mary nodded "of course, I love you Constance. You have been the gift I've always wanted" Constance stared at Mary silently before she leaned in kissing her before pulling away as Mary stopped, Constance stood up "I'm sorry" she turned to leave but Mary grabbed her hand quickly pulling her back as she kissed her as Constance kissed back. Mary pulled away "we will run away together..where we can be together Constance, you are the girl of my dreams" Constance smiled as she nodded "tonight...
We will run"
Of course they didn't realize Rosemary in the garden watching them as she then walked off looking ahead.

Constance awoke to people opening her door, guards. She sat up quickly as she rose an eyebrow "excuse me-" she didn't get time to react as she was grabbed and dragged away as she tried to pry herself loose "let go of me!" She shouted but they didn't listen before she also saw Mary was being dragged as her eyes widened "Mary!"
Rose watched them as she sat on her throne before she watched them get set down infront of the two. Rose exhaled standing up as the king walked foward "Constance Darlington, Mary. You have broken many rules today and we cannot tolerate that, ever. We always feared witches could be apon us but you two, I would've never expected" Constance looked at him confused as she then spoke "your magesty, we're not witches..." The king huffed "silence!" He yelled at Constance "by the evening you will both be hung for your crimes of not only trying to flee the kingdom but for witchcraft" they were drafted away as Constance tried pulling away still as Mary shook her head "father you do not want to do this, please, I'm sorry" the male looked at her "you are not my daughter anymore" he walked off after that as Constance struggled more.
It was a few minutes before the sentence as Rosemary walked in and looked at Constance who was locked away from Mary. She had a drink in her hand as she sighed "Constance..." She walked over kneeling down "you must be thirsty" she handed her the drink as Constance grabbed it looking at her "is it poisoned?" Rose shook her head as Constance looked down before drinking her drink, at this time, Constance believed Rose as a friend still. Rose put a hand on her shoulder " shall be protected..I promise you" Constance shook her head "I do not wish to live in a world where I cannot be with Mary, if that makes me a witch so be it" she spoke looking down as Rose sighed "You have too much to offer this world...." Rose had slipped her blood into Constance's drink so she wouldn't die, call it selfish. Rose called it giving somebody another chance.
Mary and Constance were standing on a stage where platforms below them would fall, a male came over and wrapped the rope around their necks as people of the town shamed them for being witches. Constance somehow found peace in this as she looked at Mary, Mary looked at her smiling slightly "I shall always love matter what life we are in" she spoke in a whisper as Constance teared up as she nodded "I love you more Mary, you will always be my saving grace" the platforms below them fell as both of them were set to hang and die infront of the town
Constance woke up with a gasp as she held her neck looking around before she saw Mary on the ground and crawled over "Mary!" She yelled before shaking her as she looked around "what..." She spoke to herself as Rose walked up "I'm sorry Constance..but I cannot let you die just yet" contance looked at her "I did die though, why am I back? I don't understand" she said through gritted teeth as Rose sighed "there is much you will never understand but know this, you are now blessed with an eternal life, without Mary to hold you back" Constance looked up "you did this?" She asked "were you the one who told?!" She shouted as Rose looked down "I'm sorry Constance" Constance stood up "no! Sorry doesn't cut it Rosemary, I trusted you, you knew I loved her and you took her away!" Rose looked at her shaking her head "No Constance, I gave you a fresh start" Constance looked ahead as she teared up "I've lost so much in my life and I was finally at peace and you took it away!" She shoved her "whatever you have done to me know this, with this new life I will make your life an eternal hell and many others who are like you and one day they'll know the hell they were put through was because you decided to be selfish! Remember this Maryrose for your eternal hell starts now! Everybody that I hurt or kill, it'll be their blood on your hands" she shoved her away "I didn't ask for this life, you forced me into it, you have made a monster" she walked off quickly as Rose turned, she thought of constance's words as empty threats not knowing she was being completely serious.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2022 ⏰

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