
201 2 4

boyfriends - harry styles

complete sucker for harry lol

word count: 1516

TW: just clingy nick... like SUPER clingy

one mention from volume 4, so small you'll probably miss it, having read it or not

charlie's pov:

i'm not sure what's up with nick but i don't ask since it all seems that slightly too fresh for him. i'll ask a little later instead. 

i turned on avengers for him, even though i do not want to watch this whatsoever and absolutely hate marvel. the things you do for love. nick seems slightly happier then earlier though. that's all that matters. i place my hand on the nape of his neck and kiss his hair. he groans in response and pulls me closer. all we want to do is be close to each other. i truly believe our bodies would merge if we tried any harder. 


"shh, we can just sleep" he answers, completely unwilling and needy. 

"no we can't, you said earlier you'd go home. it's nearly 7 now" 

"do you want me to go?" nick's head shoots up from my chest, he's all tired and worried and still looks cute. 

"no course not, you said you had homework though" i reply to which he puts his head back down into its previous position and nuzzles back into my chest. 

"whatever, i'll stay here tonight"

"your so clingy today" i laugh, ruffling his hair. 

"hmm, you love it really" 

i pause for a second, trying to process the situation. "are you okay? you seem a bit... i don't know, worried about something, i guess? like, you only ever do this when something's worrying you" 

"no. i'm fine" nick answers shortly.

"you sure?" 

"course" i decide to drop the conversation for now cause if nick wants to tell me something then he'll tell me in his own time. to be fair, he'd done this a couple weeks ago and it ended up he was just worried about year 12 and coursework. "we do need to eat though" nick sits up straight since the movie just finished. 

"i'll probably just have toast later" i mumble, rolling onto my tummy and burying my head into my pillow. i'm better about food now, i still see geoff and still have bad and good days but i'll more or less always have a least a couple slices of toast, if not a full meal even if it takes like an hour to do so. nick seems okay with it, but i can't help but think i'm still a burden to him. "okay" nick pulls the laptop towards him to find something else to put on. 

family guy, of course. "always the same with you" i mutter, wrestling him playfully. i sit up and nick immediately pulls me onto his lap, kissing my neck. i tilt my head to give him more access, which he returns gratefully by pulling me closer, flat against his chest. i run my fingers through his slightly messy blonde hair and just think about how clingy he's being. not that i'm complaining, i could never. it's just strange and i can't get it off my mind. "i love you" he says under his breath, in between kisses. 

"i- i love you too" i stutter, pulling away to see his face. 

"you okay?" he questions, staring at me longingly.

"yeah, fine"

"so- so why did you...?" nick mumbles, trailing off. he looks upset and is tugging at my hoodie, which is really his hoodie that i've stolen. 

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