🐲🐲🐲 Hydra Headcanons 🐲🐲🐲

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Thanks magical_bear for requesting them

🐲 These three dipshits are fucking idiots

🐲 They share 5 brain cells between each of them

🐲 The middle one is easily the dumbest one or they might be a genius you never know

🐲 there name are (from left to right) Teller, Gamic, and Pen

🐲 Penn is very quiet and very reserved to himself

🐲 while Teller is very loud and basically fucking screams every thing

🐲 Gamic is just something I guess

🐲 They can split apart from each other but they always mash back together after a full day

🐲 Teller usually gets the wing so he can fly

🐲 While Penn gets Gamic on his right hand so he gets some flame weapons like swords and hammers

🐲 they both can breathe fire (i mean duh)

🐲 these three fuck are always fucking fighting for absolutely no reason

Shit i forgot how much I like this guys
Again thanks to magical_bear for requesting this and I hope you enjoyed it

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