Chapter Three

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Thought I'd update quickly,before I go to Londonnn:)enjoy x

Emily's POV

"Emily wake up you lazy shit" Harry said to me. I turned around in my warm,cosy bed to see the time reading 6:30.

I made my way out of bed,struggling as I did so,and wandered over to the shower.

I hated mornings. So many people rushed around doing their makeup,hair,making coffees,eating breakfast and other things like that.

I just showered, and ate breakfast, at evidently,the slowest rate possible.

Harry never bothered to say a word to me in the morning,except of course when he was waking me up, as he knew how much I hated getting out of bed of a morning.

As I was eating my breakfast Harry ran down the stairs,fixing his hair in the mirror by the stairs.

"Soo,you spoken to Beth this morning?"

I rolled my eyes. "No Harry, it is only half past seven."

"Right.." He said as he walked over to the fridge, taking out the orange juice and drinking it straight out of the carton,disgusting.

"Harry I told you,you can't have anything to do with Beth. You'll just break her heart. She gets attached to things too easily for you to just mess with her."

He sighed,frustrated. As he ran a hand through his hair,he carried on with what he was doing before. "I don't want anything to do with her anyway.." He mumbled.

"Oh please," I started. "You don't stop going on about her!"

He just ignored me, as he picked up his cereal bowl and sat opposite me on the table.

"You think I'm a dick don't you" he questioned/told me.

"No Harry,I know your a dick."

"If you weren't my sister i would've beaten you up by now." He snarled.

"My point exactly." I shook my head. "Fortunately Harry, I am your sister,so keep your anger issues to yourself."

He just glared at me,shaking his head as he threw the cereal bowl to the sink in anger,causing it to smash and making me flinch.

"Keep your nose out of my business for ONCE will you!" He shouted at me. I winced at his loud voice behind me. As he stormed out of the kitchen I decided to pick up the broken pieces of cereal bowl off the floor.

This is the problem with Harry, he's always telling me how if I wasn't his sister he'd have me dead. Some would say that's a good thing that he wouldn't touch me because I'm his sister,but really,it just means that anyone else he would beat up,never mind the consequences. And it's needless to say he has beaten up quite a lot of people in the past.

He has anger problems,luckily he got over his drinking and drug problems,but that's a whole different story.

Before we moved here,he was constantly doing drugs,injecting himself with all sorts of things I wouldn't of even heard of. It scared me because I thought he was going to die from it. And he just didn't care because he was drunk most of the time.

This is why I don't want him to get involved with Beth because I'm afraid something will happen and we'll be back to square one again.

He has stopped with the drinking and drugs. Although I sometimes catch him with a vodka bottle or a cigarette with who knows what it contained. I would usually just shrug it off though,leave him to deal with the consequences.

The reason Harry was like this was because of my parents.

My Mum died last year,and as soon as she did my Dad organised us to move down here. Some say it was my Dad who murdered her. I don't even want to think about the situation like that. Whenever I asked my Dad what happened he said she died in her sleep,and nobody knew why.

My Dad used to beat me. Not Harry,just me. The reason he didn't beat Harry was because he knew how strong Harry could be when he wanted to be.

Harry always protected me when I was being beaten. Stood up to my Dad, a thing I couldn't do.

That was what I loved about Harry,although he basically hates me,he has a protective side to him too, a side that no one knows about.

But it's just that Harry was usually drunk or on drugs,so he wasn't there for me all the time,which I didn't expect him to be.

But the beating has stopped now,thankfully. I think my Dad has came to realisation that beating me to take his anger out was not the answer,neither was drinking and drugs. So he's stopped that now,completely. He found a new job, a well paid one,that I think he enjoys.

He's changed a lot.

I was snapped out of my gaze as I noticed Harry had slammed the door shut,obviously not wanting to tell me it was time to go.

I just sighed,picking up my bag by the front door and walking out.


"Okay that's it class,see you next time" the teacher said as the bell went off,indicating it was lunch.

"Hey you alright?" Beth said to me,as we met up outside the class.

"Yeah,I'm good."

"We going to the canteen for lunch?" Beth questioned.


"So am I still coming round yours tonight?" Beth asked.

"Well..I thought I was coming to yours?" I asked.

"Oh really? Well I could just come to yours." She asked,looking straight ahead.

I wondered over this for a minute,if she came round then Harry would fall for her more. I really hope what he's saying is true,that he doesn't like her but I'm doubting it.

I know that she doesn't like him but that's not the point. The point is that Beth gets too attached to things too easily,and I don't want her to be upset.

So as her best friend and knowing what Harry is like,I feel like its my job to keep them separate and to make sure they don't develop feelings for each other.

Although I know it's easier said than done.

"Alright,fine whatever,come round" I gave in,not wanting to bother arguing.


"Anyone home?" I shouted through the house.

"In here!" Dad called from the living room.

Then Harry came round the corner and locked eyes with Beth. I just looked between them both and coughed,hoping to stop their glare and realise I was here.

"H-hi" Harry half smiled at Beth.

Beth just nodded,then looked at the ground.

This was going to be a long night.


I'm sorry it was short,I did this on my phone again:/

Ill update quicker and longer the next few times,probably end of next week,after I'm done with post concert depression......

Anyway hope you enjoyed vote/fan/comment

Thank you for reading:)



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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2013 ⏰

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