Chapter 7 (edited version)

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Chapter 7

**Samuel's POV**

"You're here to be my date," I reminded Fiona through gritted teeth.

If another guy trips while staring at Fiona, I’m going to lose it! We’d only been at the event for an hour, and already I’d seen twenty double takes, fifteen lingering gazes, seven stumbles, and one outright fall. It was pathetic.

My frustration was justified, but what I couldn’t understand was why my anger was mostly directed at myself. Why did I get her this dress? I was so focused on making her back off that I didn’t think about anything else.

"I know that," Fiona replied, her gaze fixed on the next couple she was leading me to.

"Then could you stop smiling so much at other people?" I snapped, my voice unnecessarily harsh.

Despite having her in my arms, she still felt distant. I should have been pleased that she was doing her job, but her focus on others irritated me.

"What am I supposed to do instead? Greet dignitaries with a frown?" she shot back, still not looking at me.

We reached another minister and his wife, and I had to focus on the conversation. It was surprising to see Fiona in her element. Her poise and grace commanded attention wherever she went.

I was beginning to relax when the voice of the man I despised most in the world interrupted my thoughts.

"Fox, it’s a pleasure to see you this evening. I’m glad you accepted my invite." Bruckner approached from behind, catching me off guard.

I’d kept him on my radar for the first ten minutes after arriving, but as soon as Fiona walked through the door, my focus had shifted entirely to her.

What was wrong with me? How could I be so careless?

I forced a smile and greeted him. "Bruckner."

"Mr. and Mrs. Cosmo," Bruckner extended his hand to the minister and his wife. "I intended to introduce you to my new business partner, Mr. Fox, but it seems my daughter beat me to it. How delightful." His smile was as fake as his enthusiasm.

"Well, as long as the job is done, right?" the minister’s wife chuckled slightly.

"Right," Fiona and her father responded, their smiles strained.

"It was a pleasure meeting you, but we have other introductions to make. Enjoy the rest of your evening," the minister said, leading his wife away.

"You too," Bruckner replied.

"I most definitely will," Fiona said as they disappeared into the crowd.

Bruckner and Fiona engaged in a tense staring contest until he broke the silence. "Fiona," he hissed, putting noticeable heat into his voice.

"Dad," she replied, her forced smile still intact.

"I thought we agreed you wouldn’t come to this event," he said.

"I don’t recall such an agreement," Fiona answered.

"Don’t test my patience," Bruckner warned, his face darkening.

He looked ready to strangle her, and though I didn’t have to intervene, I felt an odd need to step in.

"Is there a problem, Bruckner?" I asked, stepping closer and positioning Fiona slightly behind me.

"No," he said, backing off a step and forcing another smile.

"Well then, I think it’s time my date and I moved on. Right?" I said.

"I guess so," he replied as I led Fiona away, avoiding other guests and waiters.

"I don’t think that was wise," Fiona said once we were out of earshot.

"What wasn’t?" I asked, playing dumb.

"Telling my father off. You want to sign a contract with his company, so angering him might not be wise. He could cancel the deal and leave you in trouble. Trust me, I’ve seen him do it before," she said as we reached the ballroom’s corner.

"I think you’ve got it wrong. Your father needs me more than I need him. But you’re right, he does hold a lot of power," I said, thinking to myself, *Because most of his power isn’t from the corporate world. But by the time I’m done with him, everything he has will be in ruins.*

"I think I see the commissioner over there. Let’s make introductions," she said, leading me toward him.

"I think we should call it a night," I started to say, but we had already reached him.

"Hello, Commissioner Matthew," Fiona called out.

The commissioner turned, his eyes lingering on Fiona’s exposed cleavage, and his smile turned into a flirtatious smirk.

"Fiona, long time no see," he said, his gaze fixed on her.

I felt a surge of anger. "Damn it, the dress choice and this pervert."

"Hello, Commissioner. I want to introduce our company’s new business partner, Mr. Fox," Fiona said with a forced smile.

"Pleasure meeting you," the commissioner said, barely glancing at me before his eyes shifted back to Fiona. "You look really good tonight, Fiona."

I saw Fiona’s smile falter as she shifted uncomfortably.

"Um, thank you," she replied.

"It’s been a long while since I saw you. Would you like to—" the commissioner started, but I cut him off.

"We were just about to call it a night. Extend my greetings to your wife," I said swiftly, leading Fiona toward the door. "Married old fool," I muttered. I’d had enough of this damned party.

"Are we really leaving?" Fiona asked.

"What does it look like?" I asked back.

"Thank you, Lord," she said with relief.

"Wait," Fiona said, stopping.

"What?" I asked impatiently.

"I need to say goodbye to Ethan before I leave," she said.

"Who’s Ethan?" I asked, puzzled since the name sounded vaguely familiar.

"He's my friend, the one you rudely dragged me away from earlier," she said with a frown.

My mood soured as I remembered the young man Fiona had hugged earlier. She was lucky I had only moved her away from him. My anger had nearly gotten the better of me.

"No," I said firmly, leading her out again.

"But I want to, and you can’t stop me," she protested, trying to pull away.

She had no idea what I was capable of. I leaned in and whispered, "You promised to do exactly what I said. If you refuse, I’ll put you over my shoulder and take you out of here."

"On second thought, I can call him later," she said, leading me toward the exit.

"Good girl," I replied, pleased with her decision.

Fiona shot me a nasty look as we left the event.

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