Chapter 28

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Samuel’s POV

The text alert on my phone buzzed again, its sound grating on my nerves as I sped through the empty streets. Vincent. He'd escaped, despite my men having him captive in for days. They were on his tail, chasing him to the one place I’d never expected he’d have the nerve to return to.

**Bruckner’s warehouse.**

The name alone caused a spike of adrenaline to course through me, though I wasn’t sure if it was from excitement or pure, unadulterated rage. My fingers clenched tightly around the steering wheel as I pushed the car faster, weaving through traffic like it was nothing more than a minor inconvenience. I couldn’t afford delays. Not now.

A message popped up from one of my men: _“He’s at the warehouse. Battered. We’re watching him. Bruckner is there.”_

Good. They wouldn’t act until I arrived, and I needed to see this for myself. The bastard who betrayed me was going to meet his maker tonight, but not before I wrung every last bit of information out of him.

I pulled up to the warehouse, parking at a distance to keep a low profile. My men stood in the shadows, waiting, eyes sharp and alert. They nodded as I approached. I moved silently, signaling them to stay close but not draw attention. Vincent had no idea we were here yet, and I wanted to keep it that way. The element of surprise was crucial.

Through a broken window, I saw Vincent’s hunched figure entering the warehouse, his movements sluggish and labored. Even from this distance, I could tell he’d taken a beating. Good.

I motioned to my men to circle the building and keep an eye out for other guards. There was no way Bruckner would leave a place like this unguarded. We needed to be cautious, especially if Bruckner’s drug shipments were stored here.

I slipped in through a side entrance, using the shadows to my advantage as I made my way deeper into the building. My pulse quickened with each step, the anticipation building as I heard voices up ahead.

Vincent’s voice was shaky, full of desperation. “Jake, you have to listen to me—I have information. Big information.”

Jake Bruckner’s voice followed, cold and dismissive. “What could you possibly tell me that’s worth the money you stole from me, Vincent? If you really had something, you would’ve told me already.”

“I swear, I was going to,” Vincent begged. “But I’ve got something on your, biggest enemy that wants to take you down, something you’ll want to know. He’s—”

“Shut up!” Jake snarled. “You think I believe anything that comes out of your mouth? You’re nothing but a coward. I should’ve killed you the moment I saw you were weak.”

I pressed closer, staying in the shadows, every muscle in my body tense. The bastard was going to execute him, right here, right now. Vincent had been a fool to think he could get away with betraying both of us, but at least his desperation had led us to this warehouse—a place we’d been hunting for months.

This was where Bruckner stored his drugs, the missing piece in our hunt to take him down. And now, with my men searching the warehouse for evidence, we were one step closer to putting him away for good.

Vincent pleaded, stumbling over his words. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry—I swear I can fix this. I have connections, I—"

Jake’s voice turned venomous. “You’re useless.”

Before Vincent could say another word, the sound of a gunshot echoed through the warehouse. I flinched, instinctively ducking lower into the shadows. When I looked back, Vincent’s lifeless body lay crumpled on the floor, a pool of blood spreading beneath him.

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