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"Thank you for completing your daily comissions." Katheryne said from behind her counter station.
"Hey Katheryne, when we were out doing our commisions we came upon this one statue. It was really big, like bigger than the one infront of the cathedral in monstadt, buutt Paimon's never seen one like it. So we were wondering if maybe you knew?" Paimon asked as she floated closer to Lumine. Katheryne thought about it for a second, when it suddenly clicked.
"Oh you must be talking about the devine creator's statue. Lumine and Paimon looked at each other quizically.
"The creator has a statue?" Lumine asked.
"Oh yes she does, but as far as we know, only three has been discovered. One is on an island not too far out of Mondstadt, one is in a cave in Inazuma. Although the Raiden Shogun doesn't allow anybody near it. And the third one is one top of Chuangzao mountain."

"Oh wow, but how come Paimon hasn't heard anything about that? Paimon is supposed to be Lumine's travel guide" Paimon asked frustratingly. She was sort of dissapointed in herself. She was supposed to know most of everything about Teyvat.
Katheryne shrugged her shoulders befor talking again.
"Speaking of, there has been a multiple rumors about those statues, but the most popular one is the rumor about bringing the creator back." Lumine looked at Katheryne with interest.
"Bringing the creator back?"

"Yes the rumor goes about that if you bring seven items, each representing one of the seven visions, and you put those items right in the center of all three statues then the creator would be brought back into Teyvat. Although many have tried, none have actually been albe to prove whether or not this rumor is true."
"Oh wow, that sounds so cool! Hey Lumine, maybe we should try to do this creator summoning thing." Paimon exclaimed as she turned to her travel buddy. Lumine turned to Paimon with a frown.
"Huh? Seriously? You wanna go around trying to find out if some rumor is true, when instead we could be doing more important things?"
"Yes! I mean c'mon, if we somehow manage to bring back the creator we would become famous!" Paimon yelled.
"We're already famous..." Lumine said while shaking her head.

"But we would become even more famous, and we might get some type of reward, and money and the best of all. FOOD!!! And besides, if we manage to meet the creator, maybe we can ask her about your brother." Now that caught Lumine's attention. Its been so long since her last encounter with her brother. All she wants is to see him, and just ask him "Why?" Why did he leave her? What did he mean by all the things he said about Khaenri'ah? And why couldn't he take her with him. In actual fact, Lumine wasn't just sad, but she was also angry at Aether. She wanted to slap him over and over again for what he did. But alas, she had to find him first.

"Fine...I guess we could try and see if this rumor is real or not." She said burgundungly. Paimon yelled in excitement.
"See, Paimon knew you'd come around."

Katheryne only starred at the duo.
"Well I wish you luck on this quest of yours." She said as Lumine and Paimon headed the other way.
"Thanks Katheryne, we'll see you next time." Lumine yelled back

"So the first step is to find seven things that represent each of the vision, but what exactly could that be?" Paimon asked
"Mhhh...Considering that all the visions are based of elements....could it be that we just need to bring those elements? Such as just regular water, fire, plants, ice, rocks, wind and lightning?" Lumine looked at Paimon with a questioning gaze.
"That could be a possibility, but how would we be able to get wind and lightning there, not to mention that depending on where the center of all the statues are, the ice would melt pretty quickly." Lumine said. She continued to therorize while walking, when suddenly it hit her.

"Thunderstorms!!!" She yelled, causing some gazes to be thrown at her. Lumine blused out of embaressment before turning to Paimon.
"We could go there during a thunderstorm. Think about it. It already brings the lightning, wind and water. So all we would have to bring is the fire, rocks, and plants. We just need to find the exact location of where to go, and wait for a thunderstorm."
"Mhh Yeah that could work, but wait...what about the fire? Won't the wind just blow it out?" Paimon questioned.
"Oh don't worry about that. We'll just need to make a little cover from the wind and water, and start the fire." Lumine answered as Paimon nodded.

"Great! Now we just need to find the other two statues, and determine where the center of all of them are. Though it's gonna be though considering the Raiden Shogun blocked off the inazuman statue to the public." Paimon stated.
"Yeah but we'll figure it out like we always do."


After searching for a few weeks the two were finally able to pin point all the known locations of the statues. The only problem they had to deal with now was figuring out where the center of the statues were. They had already delt with enough trouble, trying not to be caught by the Raiden Shogun when searching for the statue. Though it proved to be in vein as the Raiden Shogun goes and prayes to the statue on a daily basis. Leading the two to be caught and hunted down. Luckily the were able to escape, with a few bruises of course. Now they were walking around in Liyue discussing the possible whereabout of where they should do the "summoning".

"Paimon doesn't get it, how whould someone even go about finding the center of three locations?"
"Mhh I'm not sure, lets check the locations we marked down on the map here." Lumine said as she pulled out a map. It was a map of Mondstadt, Liyue and Inazuma. They had marked an X on where all the statues were.
"We have to look at places that aren't too close to where the statues are, so lets draw a circle around the areas that are more probable to being the center. That just leaves Gunyun Stone forest... and the ocean..." The two shared a series of silence, before Paimon finally decided to speak.

"Paimon thinks it will be a better idea if we go to Guyun Stone forest first, and try the summoning there."
"Yeah I agree, frankly I don't have enough stamina to go searching the ocean."

And with that they started to pack their things and made their journey to Guyun Stone forest. They were planing on camping there until a thunderstorm where to eventually come. They had already gatered most of the items they needed, and with the help of Albedo they were able to seal the ice in a little container that would keep it cool for a few days. So their time was limited, but with so much determination, they weren't going to let that stop them.


It had been 5 day since they arrived and set up camp, but still no storm had come. There had been moments where it got cloudy with a little drizzle, but no lightning had came.
"Well it's official, the ice is starting to melt. I'd say we have two more days before our ice turns into water." Lumine said showing Paimon the container with ice in it.
"Aw man, we've been waiting so long, and Paimon is tired from all those hilichurls attacking us. Why can't there be a thunderstome already!?" The Dijinni started shouting in frustration. Lumine on the other hand sat there quitely in dissapointment. Over the past few days she had gotten quite excited about this summoning. She had come up with multiple scenerios in her head, about meeting the creator, seeing her brother, beating her brother... but now she jsut felt as if it was all for nothing. What if she never sees her brother again? All of these intrusive thoughts were swarming her head, as a single tear fell down her cheek.

With Paimon's yells in frustration and Lumine's self pity, both of them failed to notice the sky durning darker. The clouds becoming more gray by the second. The wind blowing faster and faster. It wasn't until Lightning struck right next to their camp, when they noticed. The two stred up into the sky as rain drops started to fall, becoming heavier as the time passed. Lumine stood up from the log she was sulking on and turned to Paimon.

"Paimon quickly go get the items! I'm gonna start on the fire." Paimon was quick to follow Lumine's orders, and went to gather what they brought. Plants that grew around windrise, ice they got from Starglow cavern on Dragonspine, randoms rocks they picked up on the way to Guyun stone forest. By the time Paimon came back with the items, Lumine had already started the fire. She put everything around the fire amd Lumine drew a circle with each of the vision"s elemental picture. She didn't know why, but something just told her to do it.

The two travelers steps back as the wind was growing stronger, and the speed of the rain way falling harder. Lumine had a worried face as the fire started to be extinguish. She was about to go and remake the fire as it had finally been taken over by the wind and water, but had been beaten by the struck of lightning, right in the center of where the fire used to be.

The second the lightning struck, everything went dark. Lumine had passed out soon followed by Paimon. But they weren't the only one's. Soon every single person and creature started to fall into unconsciousness. From the people of each nation, to the entirety of the fatui, and the Archons. Even all of the mosnters and animals had passed out. The entirety of Teyvat had falled into a dreamless sleep. One that they would be confused about when they all woke up.


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