Chapter 8- The Grand Lapiz Gala

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It was finally the week of the Gala. It had been a week since our protagonist decided to jump off the platform of the Jade Palace. And it turns out that words really do spread quickly, because all Y/n could hear people talk about is some lady taking a swan dive off the flying palace, besides the Gala happening tonight. But luckily the guard couldn’t see her well so nobody was out looking for her. 

So there was probably no need to worry about it too much. She would just need to be more careful next time. But besides that, the Gala would be starting in three hours. So Y/n still had a bit of time to get herself ready.

She was as excited about the Gala as she was nervous. There would be a bunch of characters there that she either has or hasn't met. She didn’t want to make any bad first impressions, she also didn’t want to accidentally slip up and cause any more suspicion. But she was sure it would all be fine. She just needed to take some deep breaths and calm herself. 

Y/n continued her walk back to her Inn. She planned to get ready and just read a book to pass the time. Once she finally reached the Inn, she walked through the door and went to her room. She took out her room key and unlocked the door, before walking in and closing the door behind her. She put her bag down on the chair seated near the little coffee table. Walking past the bed towards the closet, she opened it to see her dress and shoes. She carefully took them both out and placed the dress on the bed. She made sure that the curtains were closed before walking back to the bed. As she started reaching out for the dress, her hands stopped as a sudden idea came to mind.

“I’ve always wanted to do something like this, maybe…” The girl then took a few steps back from the bed and slightly moved her arms and legs apart. She then carefully started focusing. Within seconds a light surrounded her body and when she looked, her previous clothes were now replaced by the dress and shoes she bought.

“Wow! It actually worked! I’ve finally accomplished my dream of doing a magical girl transformation! Now all that's left is to style my hair, make an accessory for my hair, and do a little bit of makeup.” And that’s exactly what she did. Once she was satisfied with her look, Y/n looked at the time and saw that she had about one and a half hours left before the Gala. So she opted to sit down and read for a little bit. She could just fly there if she was late. 


The starry sky had settled upon the earth like a blanket. I looked up admiring it as I walked to the Gala. When I finally arrived at the destination, I could not help but gape at the grandness of it all. 

There were orange and yellow lanterns and streamers everywhere. The gala was being held in front of the building where we can “Buy the moon” from that Buyun guy. Tables of food had been placed all around the venue, with everything I picked out with Xiangling. And there was a massive stage built and set in front of the stairs to the big closed doors. 
‘Everything from the decorations to the choice of foods was all from my help choosing and creating.’

I would be lying if I said I wasn’t proud of myself for this. I was part of the reason this whole Gala could actually happen. And now I was being rewarded for her efforts by being able to enjoy herself. 

I walked past the guards, through the entrance that was decorated with streamers and lanterns. When she looked around she could see a whole bunch of people that were talking with one another, and enjoying the party. She even spotted a few characters from the game. 

“Y/n! You made it!” The happy voice of Xiangling rang out. I turned to see the girl nicely dressed walking towards her.
“Hey Xiangling, the party looks absolutely AMAZING.” 
“All thanks to you. I’m not sure the Gala would be so grand if it wasn’t for your help. But let’s not worry about that, we’re here to enjoy the party.” She said, glancing around. 
“And because you’re still new to Liyue, I want you to go have fun and talk to lots of people.”
“Oh I definitely plan on being social, I’ve been so excited about coming. But I’m also kinda nervous to talk to new people. The last time I went to a party it…didn’t go so well.”
“I’m sure you’ll be fine, and there is absolutely no way that anything can ruin tonight! But anyways, I’m gonna go talk to some more newcomers. I’ll talk to you later, and make sure to have fun!” Xiangling said as she walked away to greet more people.
“I will! And you too!”

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