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It was a normal day for D1928b. She woke up, ate the small meal shove in the hole in her cell door, and took her pills.  And then, noon came. The devil's playtime. The door slammed open. "Get out here, bitch." A harsh voice snarled. D1928b bowed her head, walked out of her cell, and was immediately slammed into a wall. Her head cracked against the stone, and a cry of pain was muffled by the chain wound around her snout.

A syringe was plunged into her right eye, and a scream escaped her snout. The liquid filled D1928b's eye, and she was released from the wall to crumple into a pained heap on the quartz floor. She pressed her palm against her closed eyelid, but the her aqueous humor had already stopped coming out. 

D1928b stood up, and tentatively opened her eyes. Her eye didn't hurt anymore, but the devil gasped and took a step back. D1928b ran to her cell, and looked in the mirror at her light blue and dark purple body. Her dark blue and crimson wings. Her strangely glowing golden eye. "Holy shit." She whispered. 

And then her vision shifted. She yelped as the walls, floor, and ceiling were full of cracks. She blinked. 

They were still there. She blinked again.

They stayed in place. She tried closing her eyes. 

The golden cracks were visible through her eyelids.

She opened and then closed her left eye. Now everywhere she looked, she saw golden cracks. She closed her right eye. The cracks disappeared.  She opened her eye again. The door slammed shut, and a new crack appeared among the 139 other cracks. 

'Wait. How did I count those so fast?' D1928b thought. She looked at her newly golden room and tried to see how many cracks there were. The number 1963 appeared in her brain. 

"What happened, my little snowflake?" A dragon whispered from the cell next door.

"Something's wrong with me." D1928b walked over to the small barred window that went to B0283a's cell. She grabbed the bars and looked into D1928b's cell. "Do you see any cracks?"

"Nooo," B0283a said cautiously. 

"Well I see them all over the place." D1928b waved her arms around, gesturing to her entire room.

B0283a grabbed one of her talons and whispered quickly, "I think you can either see impurities or weaknesses. How many cracks can you see in your door?" 

"140." D1928b whispered back.

"Well, try kicking one." B0283a whispered again. 

"All right."  D1928b sighed. She ran at the door and kicked a crack as hard as she could. With barely a sound, the door crumbled to pieces. 

"Eep!" D1928b muffled a squeak of surprise as she stole the keys from the sleeping devil and unlocked B0283a's cell. She came out and they ran silently through the compound until they came to a window.

"We need names, my snowflake." B0283a said as she cupped D1928b's snout in her talons.

"Then, how about Snowflake?" D1928b said tentatively.

"Perfect! And I'll be Butterfly." B0283a decided as she hugged Snowflake.

"Then let's go!" Snowflake said happily. She jumped onto the windowsill and leaped out into the air. She strongly flapped her wings to hover in the air as Butterfly came out to join her. As they were flying along the coastline where they emerged, the sound of shifting soil and stone made Butterfly's ears twitch.

"Look out!" She cried as she tackled Snowflake out of the way so the boulder hit the older dragon.

"MOM!" Snowflake screamed as the boulder and Butterfly plunged into the ocean. Snowflake flew down to the shore and started sobbing. "NoOoOoOoOoO-"

Snowflakes In SummerWhere stories live. Discover now