C̥ͦh̥ͦḁͦp̥ͦt̥ͦe̥ͦr̥ͦ o̥ͦn̥ͦe̥ͦ

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I was rudely awakened by the violent shaking my first reaction was to punch " ow that hurt "
when I heard that voice I knew who it was my dumbass brother Richard Tozier or as our friends call him " Richie Trashmouth "

So as his sister they call me " Y/N Trashmouth " I mean, sure I Trashmouth some people but I mainly hit them " well what did you expect you know not to wake me like that " I shot back " well little one if you would just wake up we wouldn't be lat-" " like I care it's the last day "

" come on I have a bet with one of the guys " " so you can go by yourself " " come on you know I can't let my BaBy SiStEr all alone " " your only ONE year older asshole and I'm not a baby " " come on ..." he had paused as if he were thinking " I'll let you bye whatever you want from the candy store with my money "

He said in the most terrible British accent " ... hmm ... deal " I said while shaking his hand " okay meet me downstairs when you're done and HURRY UP " " OKAY " I yelled back in a sarcastic way 

 deal " I said while shaking his hand " okay meet me downstairs when you're done and HURRY UP " " OKAY " I yelled back in a sarcastic way 

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( your hair is not blond its DARK BROWN ) Once I was finished I ran downstairs only for my brother to stop me " no " he plainly said, " ' no' what ?" " your shorts are too short and they have holes " " s- you keep complaining where gonna be late b...

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( your hair is not blond its DARK BROWN )
Once I was finished I ran downstairs only for my brother to stop me " no " he plainly said, " ' no' what ?" " your shorts are too short and they have holes " " s- you keep complaining where gonna be late but you're the one taking forever "

" ugh fine but if any guys try to do something I don't want to hear you crying " " whatever, " I said I can't even remember the last time I cried
We grabbed our bikes a went to school on our way there we passed a sewer and I could have sworn I heard children laughing

~𝕋𝕚𝕞𝕖 𝕤𝕜𝕚𝕡 𝕒𝕗𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕤𝕔𝕙𝕠𝕠𝕝~

I and my brother were walking down the school halls to exit the building once we got to with the rest of the losers we started to dump out our bags " best filling ever " said Stanly " " try tickling your pickle for the first time " said my dumbass brother " hey guys what do you want to do tomorrow?"

asked my crush Eddie " I start my training " said both me and my brother at the same time " wait, what training " " Street Fighter " said Richard- or Richie as my fellow losers call him " is that how you wanna spend your whole summer? Inside of an arcade? " " yeah "

I replied with a blush out of embarrassment " beats spending it inside your mother " said Richie I and brother high-five and chest bumped while the others looked at us widely then Stanley said " What if we go to the quarry " " Guys, we have to go to the b-b-bb-barrens " said Billy with his cute stutter

" right," said Stanley, and the rest of us nodded our heads in remorse " Betty Ripsom's mom " said Eddie "does she really expecting to see her come out of that school ?" I asked in a sad tone " I dunno, As if Betty Ripsom's been hiding in Home Ec. for the last few weeks"

Replied Eddie " you think there actually find her ?" asked Stan the man " Sure, " said Richie most likely gonna make a joke out of it but I disited to finish it off " In a ditch. All decomposed, covered in worms and maggots " I said " smelling like Eddie's mom under where " said Richie

I didn't expect him to say that but I must admit it was funny so I chuckled when I did I could have sworn I saw a tint of pink on his cheeks until he came back to reality " shut up, that's freaking disgusting " Bill looked at us and said " she's not dead. S-s-ss-shes m-mmi-missing "

" Sorry Bill she's missing, " said me and my brother realizing what we said we started to walk " you know the Barrena aren't that bad, " said Richie " who doesn't love splashing around in shitty water? " I rolled my eyes at him then he was pulled back by our bully

Making him go down with Stanley " nice frisbee, flamer " said Patrick " Give it back " demanded Stan the man but of course, he didn't listen, before Patrick through it, I snatch it out of his hand " fucken loser " he yelled at me as I gave it back to him

And the fat one whose name I could never remember burped in Eddie's ear costing him to gag Henry purposely bumped into Bill and said " Loser " " you su-suck, B-bowers " Said Bill with his stutter " Shut up, Bill" said Eddie concerned about what will happen

" You s-s-sa-ss-s-say something B-b-ba-bb-ba-Billy?" said Henry mockingly " you got a free ride this year 'cause of your little brother. Rides over Denbrough, " said Henry while walking up to him while walking he sees  his father looking state at him realizing he can't do shit for now so he licks his whole hand and whipped it on Bill

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2022 ⏰

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