Trapped in a Chorus

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Momo slowly chewed on her steamed vegetables, as the light chirping of the morning birds resounded from a nearby bush. The soft ray of light breaks through the window glass and washes over their breakfast table. An ideal morning full of bliss and quietude. The morning glories were in full bloom today, and the petunias were in their usual vibrant colors.

Her eyes drifted from the bright windows to her companion. He smiled gently at her when he felt her gaze fixed on him, eyes that are filled with kindness and understanding, eyes that can easily calm even a stranger's heart. Arresting her heart to race.

It's just too much she had to dodge them lest she will shrivel.

Her gaze then falls and settles down at the golden band sitting on her finger.

Right, she’s married.


But how on earth did they happen?

She didn't just wake up another day, and suddenly married, to him no less.

Living and spending the rest of her life with him felt surreal.


“Your daffodils are in full bloom today.” He started, calm on his face.

She thought for a while about why would he be talking about daffodils. Of mundane things.

“I --- We have… daffodils?” She questioned, brows furrowing.

“You… uh... Yes.. you planted them yourself.” He answered very carefully, lowering his head to avoid looking at the confusion on her face.

“Oh. I didn’t realize.” She honestly abided, focusing on her plate again. Momo had this gnawing feeling she was missing something utterly important, and it felt like it has to do with the beautiful man before her.

Of course, she had admired him. She always had been, but, he was too high in the sky that she had to look up to him from the earth where she stood.

Shouto Todoroki-san, as she remembered him.
They barely talked to each other, nor have the luxury of time to be alone together to guarantee this morning with him. She recalled him being too occupied with his career. Just as she was.

Too busy.

Too… unreachable with her hands.

So why was he sharing breakfast with her alone?

Was this all a dream?

Was she under some kind of hypnosis or illusion?

Because for the life of her, she had no idea how they ended up married.

Did she skip that part of her life?

Did a time-traveling quirk send her to this future? A supposed future with him.

Probably an Illusion, yes, an Illusion that gives her the taste of what she’s wanted. That might be. Because even though she’s secretly enamored by him, their circumstances would make the chances of this breakfast impossible.

The chances of them getting to know each other.

The chances of them falling in love with each other.

The chances of them dating. And getting…. married.

She could dream, but she couldn't hope.

“This is a dream, isn’t it?” She asked awkwardly. He was sipping his tea and had to look at her through the space above his cup.

He soundlessly placed it down before he tells her the words that would clarify her confounded mind. Her husband looks steadily at her with those disarming pair of heterogeneous eyes.

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