2. 8/22/22

3 0 0

Ello lads! how are yall? im good. im verry tired but thats besides the point. Today was a day. It was raining most of the day even flooding in some areas.

Today i had to go to football practice (im on film crew not a player) and i usually go around 6 so i have to wake up at 5Am to get there and get coffee or pick up my friend. I did the later of the two so i was basically dead all day from the lack of caffeine.

I got my first HW assignment of the year and i completed it in class which was nice idk why i didnt do that before. I need to go complete the exit ticket now oml. Annnd done. I went and did that really quick.

My goals for this school year are..
1) get good grades
2) maintain said grades
3) graduate

Fun i know. I dont like school very much which is why im probably not going to go to college for a while. Its not completely out of the picture but i definitely know I dont want to go right out of high school.

I'm going to try to get coffee again tomorrow morning so im not as tired but eh we'll see. the down side of working at a coffee stand is that you kinda get over coffee quick so ill only drink an espresso drink
maybe once or twice a month. Its the energy drinks that i live off of lmao.

Annnnyywayys i gotta go to sleep now i have to be up early again tomorrow! <3


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