Chapter 38: An engagement

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"Jake!" Stiles exclaimed with a mixture of excitement and relief.

It was a few days later, and we were all gathered at the Cullen's house. Jake was completely healed, back to himself and I hid a relieved smile as I watched him and Stiles shove playfully at each other. The Hale-McCall pack were leaving later today, and we were spending the last few hours together before they took their leave. Stiles was planning to speak to his pack about his decision before they left for Beacon Hills. But perhaps not in front of everyone else too.

My heart stuttered a little in my chest as Stiles threw his head back and laughed, exposing his long throat as his mouth spread into a wide smile. He was so downright beautiful it made my knees weak and my breath catch. I was so incredibly lucky, and incredibly grateful, that he'd been able to make the decision I couldn't. The decision to leave his pack, leave his family, to be with me. My heart swelled as I realized just how brave he was. So much more brave than I ever could be. Perhaps that's why he inspired such love and loyalty from so many. I would be there for him as much as I possibly could when he had to tell them what he'd decided.

Besides, as Jake settled himself into Edward's arms across the room and kissed him, I sensed there was to be another announcement today. I knew I was right as a few moments later he was led from the room and towards the forest by his vampire mate.

Stiles had gravitated to my side, hanging onto me while continuing to chatter with Alice and Esme. I pulled him with me as I moved towards the window, listening to Jake pester Edward about where they were going. They'd stopped now, far enough away that none of us could see them... but close enough that we could hear them.

"Everybody quiet," I murmured gesturing with a nod to where Jake and Edward had disappeared, and instantly they were all listening too.

"Edward, what is it?" Jake's voice asked worriedly through the trees.

I smirked, knowing what was coming.

"Paul? What's going on? What is everyone listening to?" Stiles whispered in my ear.

"I'll give you a play by play," I decided, not wanting to give it away just yet in case Jake could hear it. Stiles huffed dramatically but didn't argue, and I kissed his hair to appease him.

"Relax, my love," Edward soothed Jake gently.

"What are we doing out here?" Jake asked again, as dense as ever and I snorted quietly.

"Jake," Edward started warmly.

"Here it comes," Emmett chuckled under his breath, to be immediately shushed by his mother.

Edward continued in his level voice that was full of adoration. I whispered the entire speech quietly to Stiles, who seemed to understand almost instantly and his smile was wide and happy.

"I've been on this earth for 110 years. I've searched all of my life for someone like you, for this. I know our relationship started a little unconventionally, but we're an unconventional couple in more ways than one. I have never felt so loved, never felt so seen and understood as I do with you. You complete me, and you make me feel alive. I've never been glad to be what I am before. But having met you, being able to have this with you because of what I am, because I was able to wait for you... it's made me glad for the first time. I couldn't have chosen someone better, more perfect to spend the rest of forever with. I love you unconditionally, with every fibre of my being," there was a pause, and I knew he'd be getting down on one knee and Jake would still be as clueless as ever.

"Jacob Black, will you do the me the honour of marrying me?" Edward asked formally.

There was a very loud, long pause. I could picture Jake's mouth hanging open in shock as he tried to sort through his thoughts, the thought pattern the whole pack had the pleasure of knowing intimately.

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