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    The sound of a soft humming echoed around the empty halls of Bly Manor. "O Willow Waly", a melody so familiar to the ears of the youngest Willoughby, a girl with the purest of heart, prettiest of smile, and a wishful eyes. She is indeed the heart of the Manor.

You may see her at the lake with her leather journal writing songs, poems, and even stories. Hear her sing her heart out at Parapet of the Manor, or smell the aromatic scent coming from the kitchen as she makes her favorite pumpkin pie.

Her blue eyes always admires the walls of the Manor and she'll crinkle her nose at the scent of the newly mopped wooden floors that surrounded their home.

Her needs are fulfilled inside the Manor. A loving family, beautiful home, education, money, and everything her heart desires.

Today is a typical day, a perfect sunny day for her to visit the lake and write some poems but, instead she's standing in front of the window in her room, planning a future outside the Manor.

    Katherine's P.O.V.

I have no clue how long i've been standing in front of the window and staring at nothing. It must be time for breakfast already since I can hear footsteps approaching my room. My sister, Viola is the one who would usually barge in my room to get me for breakfast. She's been doing that since we were kids. She would make a run to my room early in the morning and help me get ready for the day while my other sister, Valera helps our mother in the kitchen.

The creaking of my door snapped me out of my thoughts but I chose to stay still in my position. Footsteps approached me and a pair of cold arms hugs me from behind.

"Penny for your thoughts" she whispered

"Good morning Viola"

I did not get a response after that, a sigh from her lips is the only thing that I got in return before silence wraps around us. I do not have the energy to find words and start a conversation or exert an effort to get out of her embrace.

After a few moments, I decided to break the silence.

"You know, I have been thinking lately..."


"About moving out and start my own family." I said holding my breath as I wait for her response.

"No" she simply said.

I finally had the courage and turned around to face my oldest sibling. Her face is serious, and her eyes held possessiveness in them which surely scared me a little.

"Viola, I'm getting old and I..." I did not get to finish what I was saying as I got dragged out of my room. Her hold on me was tight and I whimpered but she ignored me.

We found ourselves in the dining room and there my other sister, Valera is sitting on one of the chairs eating boiled egg and mashed potato. Her eyes traveled from her food and to us and her brows creased in confusion as she stares at me and Viola.

"Viola, I expected you to invite her, not manhandle her for breakfast." She exclaimed

"Well, a problem has just occurred my dear sister" Viola said as she let go of my shoulder but motioned me to stand along her in front of Valera who is now facing on our side abandoning her perfectly cooked egg.

"Viola please. Why is it a big deal?" I sighed out

"It is. Especially when it involves us. do you not love us anymore?" She spoke close to my face.

"Viola kindly explain." Valera stated. Her eyes traveling back and fort to me and my sister.

"Well, our precious Katherine here is planning on leaving us."

"What! Why? What have we done?!" Valera, the calmest of us three exclaimed. She stood up from her seat and stared at me with wide eyes.

"It's not like that Valera, calm down." I said as I put both of my hands on her shoulders hoping she'd go back to her seat.

Apparently, she did not. I instead felt her hands hold my hips in a tight grip just like Viola has done earlier on my shoulder.

"It's only a thought" I added

Viola was about to say something but I cut her off.

"Please. I love you both and nothing can change that. Not even distance. You know it's always been my dream as a kid to travel the world but if my dream will make you sad then I shall not pursue it." I finished as I look at them with loving eyes and the calmest voice I can master to calm the storm in their hearts.

Viola sighed and moved to stand behind me as she engulfed me in her arms. "I'm sorry my love. I just cannot bear the thought of you leaving us."
Valera removed her tight grip as she leans down giving me a peck. She stared at me for a moment, her brown eyes held the same emotion Viola had earlier in my room as I told her about my thoughts.

"Let's eat"

She said simply and went back to her seat and started eating. Viola and I went to sit down and started eating.

Sighing for the last time, this conversation truly changed my future.

    Omniscient P.O.V.

Valera and Viola would look at their sister every now and then. Their hearts would clench as thoughts of Katherine occupies their minds.
They both are now thinking of ways to keep Katherine with them forever. A side of them that they have been keeping down for quite sometime has now awakened. Both their warm brown eyes that used to held sweetness was replaced with possessiveness.


Valera's P.O.V.

Both Viola and I stood over Katherine's bed watching her sleep. The finest linen in the village covers her body. Her soft raven locks scattered neatly on the satin pillow and soft snores escapes her plump red lips. Viola walked to the window opening it up making the cold air enter the room. I looked back to Katherine who simply shivered at the new temperature that entered the room.

Viola carefully climb on the bed laying silently as she snakes her arms around Katherine earning a soft whimper from her. I decided to join them and laid down on the other side of our sister. I hugged her waist moving impossibly close to her. The movement has finally woken her up bringing both her hands to feel us. She found Viola and I's head and started combing her fingers through our hair.

"Another nightmare?" She softly rasped out

Both Viola and I looked at each other and decided to not say anything.

We kissed her on the cheeks instead and closed our eyes listening to her soft breathing lulling us to sleep.

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