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    Katherine's P.O.V.

I lie awake trying not to wake up the two sleeping forms that occupied the rest of the bed. I was woken up by their breaths tickling my neck. I tried untangling my body from theirs but it did not work. It's probably still too early but I really want to get out of bed as I feel my body temperature getting hot. Why? Well, because I decided to go sleep wearing nothing and so are my two sisters who happened to be cuddling me. The skin contact definitely warmed me up all night, but now I'm just purely sweating.

Grunting, I decided to just wake one up.

"Viola" I whispered

But she did not budge.

I gently held her cheeks with my free hand and whispered again.


Slowly, she opened her eyes and tried to blink away the sleep.

"Yes?" She rasped out.

"I'm getting hot" I told her

She furrowed her eyebrows and glanced at our position. The three of us, tangled under a thick blanket.

"Oh, I'll remove the blanket then." She said as she finally removed her arms around me.

I tried to get up but Valera's arms and legs won't let me go. I'm about to say something when Viola put a finger on my lips shutting me up.
I watched as she sit up and reached for the blanket tossing it off to the floor. The cold wind finally hitting my body relaxing me. The sun isn't still up so I decided to just go back to sleep.

Before I let my self drift off to sleep for third time, I felt Viola snaked her arms around Valera and I holding us impossibly close to each other, we all slowly relaxed closing our eyes as we listen to Valera's soft snores.

One and a half hour later...

This time when I opened my eyes, I was surprisingly alone which is good since I so want to have an alone time away from my sisters. Not really away in a way. 

I don't know what to feel about their reaction yesterday but it's probably because they are scared to be left alone in this massive manor. But does it really matter? After all, we are now grown ups anyways. However, I'm not going to lie, they do scare me sometimes making me obey them.

My pondering ended after I heard the water running in my bathroom. Slightly confused, I decided to get out of bed walking to the direction of my bathroom.


"Try again" The figure chuckled.

"Valera, what are you doing in my bathroom when you have your own?" I asked while wiping the sleep away from my eyes.

She finally turned around and tilted her head sideways raising her perfectly shaped eyebrows.

"So what if I do? Am I not allowed in here?" She snapped.

I furrowed my brows taking in her mood. Why is she so grumpy? It's just a simple question.

I sighed and lowered my gaze "Of course you are" 

I am well aware that I am the youngest of us three but sometimes I still get upset when they snap at me. I feel like I'm always under them, which is expected since they are older than me. But now I'm also an adult, yet I still don't get a say in a lot of things. I do love them but sometimes I feel trapped.

She carefully placed my towel on the chair besides the bathtub and walked towards me.

She tilted my head to meet her eyes

"I'm sorry for snapping at you, You know how I am in the morning."

I stayed silent biting my lips

"I am here because I prepared you a warm bath. I wanted to wash you as an apology to Valera and I's reaction yesterday. I know very well that you are still upset about it." She explained.

"You don't have to bath me, I'm no longer a child Valera"

"Of course you aren't but I want to and I promise not to bother you for the rest of the day" She said as she let go of my chin just to usher me to the bathtub.

I went in knowing I don't have a choice and also since she promised to leave me alone for the rest of the day. Now I only have one sister to worry about.

She grabbed a sponge dipping it to the warm soapy water that I'm currently in and she started washing my neck and back. She was as gentle as before. She used to help me bath when I was a kid since our mother was always at the village. She's now done washing my back so I reached out for the loofah so that I can scrub the rest of my body. But she refused to give it to me.

"I am not done missy"

"Valera I can do the rest"

"No" She stated calmly but there's an annoyance lacing her voice.

Not wanting to anger her, I let her continue.

She moved closer where my legs are so she can scrub them too. She started with my toes going up to my thighs. I'm a bit uncomfortable but I had to stay silent because I just want this to be done already. As she reached my mid thigh, she leaned back to do my arms and then my chest area then she stopped and washed the loofah on the sink besides us.

I thought for a second that she was done, but she went back beside the bathtub and lathered my breasts with the soapy water making me jump. But I let it go since physical contacts with them doesn't really bother me that much and it is also normal to us.

"Relax Katherine, I can't use the loofah on this part of your body"

"Let me do the rest Valera"


I sighed and again, let her continue.

As she reached down to my lower parts, she taps my back as a signal to prompt my self up. She lathered the soapy water all over my behind and my front parts making me shiver and hold my breath for a second.

And at last, she's done.

She then got up retrieving the rose water to pour on my hair scratching my scalp slightly to help distribute the rose water all over my head.

"And done!"

"thanks, Can I please dry my self and clothe my self?" I asked in a begging voice.

"Yes you may. I'll be going anyway, I still have to make us breakfast. Come down to the kitchen after you're dressed." She said as she handed me my towel.

I sighed for the tenth time this morning as I made my way out of the bathroom.

I have no idea what is it with the world today. 


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2023 ⏰

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