Chapter 1: The Project

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"RING!! RING!! RING!!"  The loud and so so very annoying alarm echoes through wills head, waking him up in an instant. Will slowly reaches over to his bedside table and shuts the alarm off. He slowly sits himself up to see the sun glaring directly into his dark brown eyes. God damn, he thinks as he slowly pulls himself out of bed to shut his curtains. He walks over to his closet and stretches his arms high above his head before grabbing a pair of jeans and a colorful striped t-shirt from his messy closet along with a pair of grey sneakers.

He throws his clothes on and slowly walks down the hallway rubbing his eyes till he enters the living room, with the dining room and the kitchen right along side of it. "Will!! Your awake!!", Joyce says once she notices will at the end of the hall.

Will feels a presence and turns around and there's El, walking down the hallway mimicking almost every move he made. Her long hair is in a half up half down ponytail with a pink scrunchie holding it all together. She looks tired and confused. Will walks over to the dining table and slumps down in his chair, "Where's Jonathan??", Will questions. "He went to grab something with that one friend of his Argyle, he'll be back soon though, he has to take you guys to school".

Will sighs just at the thought of going to school in that horridly smelling bright yellow van, he really doesn't have a choice tho. The front door of the Byers house slowly creaks open and will looks over his shoulder to see Argyle and Jonathan standing in the doorway, 110% stoned. Even tho it's so so painfully obvious, Joyce still seems to never notice, which doesn't make sense to will but he doesn't say anything. "You guys ready to go?" Jonathan manages to slur some words out of his mouth. "Yea, bye mom!!" Will says pretending to be happy to soothe his mothers concern. He puts his plate in the sink and walks to the front door but El beats him to it, she runs past him and flops herself into the van as Argyle and Jonathan watch with the same confused and concerned look on both of their faces.

They arrive at the school and Will immediately goes into panic mode, it's never been easy for will to make friends, especially in Hawkins. Everyone called him Queer and the Fairy, he never really thought about what gender he felt attracted to, i guess it just never even crossed his mind. Will ends up finding his class and sits in the very back at his assigned seat. Class starts and he's already absolutely miserable.

This year is going to be Awful.

About 10 minutes after class starting Will see's a tall pale boy at the doorway of his classroom, he look similar to mike, who will hasn't spoken to in weeks, yet so different, his jawline is sharper then mikes and his cheekbones more defined. He has dark circles under his eyes, they are very noticeable but it adds to his character. The teacher finally realizes he's there and greets him,. "Ah you must be Boris". The name echoed through wills brain,



He's never heard a name like that before, it fit him tho. Boris ends up being sat next to will but he doesn't mind, Boris seems cool in a mischievous kind of way.

The class is discussing what to do for the next project, a blonde girl in the front of the class raises her hand, she seems fine, till she spoke. She has a high pitched, penetrating, annoying voice that could give someone a headache so quickly, she pings a random idea and the teacher thinks it's great, but they have to work in partners. Shit. Will thinks, but only because of the possibility of being paired with Angela. But Will ends up being paired with Boris instead, which one again, he doesn't mind. Something about Boris though, really draws wills attention, Will isn't sure why, maybe will was...

attracted to Boris?

He can't be though, he only just saw him today, and they haven't even spoke a word to each other. "Hello?" Boris snaps his fingers in Wills face which wakes will up from his thoughts, Boris has a heavy accent, not one that's very familiar to will though, he can't deceiver what it is. "So do you know what we're doing or not Byers?" Boris looks will in the eyes while saying this, his eyes are dark, and they look heavy, tired. "Huh, What? Sorry" Will questions as he wasn't paying attention whatsoever to what Boris was saying but instead admiring his features. "Do you. Understand. What were doing." Boris repeated. "Uh yeah sorry" and Will explains the project to Boris.


"It was nice working with you today William" Boris says. Will, slightly shocked at the name, he hates being called William, but for some reason, it was different when Boris said it. "Yea you too" Will says with red cheeks and an embarrassing smile plastered across his face. "Maybe you can come over and we can work on the project a bit more at my house" Will says trying to seem confident even tho that took him so much courage. "I would love to Willie, does today work?" Boris questions. Will once again slightly shocked at the name. "Yea I'm sure my mom won't care, she has work today anyway" Will answers. "Alright, let's go then" Boris says with the cutest smile will has ever seen. "Follow me" Will grabs Boris' hand with a burst of confidence, Boris likes the contact, but he tries his hardest not to show it.

(also my apologies if there is any bad grammar/bad spelling i didnt proof read😭)
Starting chapter 2 rn :))))

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