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''So how many other counselors are there?"
Sarah asked taking a chetto out of the bag. She was lying down on her stomach while Ryan, her year younger brother, sat at the edge of the bed

''Um well, There's Abigail Blyg, she's the art teacher for the kids this summer and
Emma Mountebank, she's a uh... influencer?''
Ryan answered midst chewing

''The name 'Abigail' does not do this cutie justice and that Emma girl she a YouTuber or Tictoker?''
She asked

He answered

''Nice, maybe we can feature in some of her vlogs this summer. You should definitely be in those, we could be famous!''

''Why should I specifically be in them?''

''Your whole 'mysterious, brooding, young man' vibe will drag in so many people!
They'll definitely want your socials''

''And your whole 'vibrant, bubbly vibe' ''
He said gesturing using air quotes
''Will be quite an attraction too, I reckon''

''Well, I am quite interested''

They both chuckled and started going through the list again

''Ooooo there's this Jacob guy, look''
She pointed towards a picture on the list on her phone
''He's hot''

''.... and moving away from that''

''Whaaaaaat no way you don't think he's hot''

''Well sorry to disappoint but he's not hot, you just like him cause he gives off the jock guy vibes''

''Whaaaat nooooo pssht noooo''
She said dismissively. Ryan gave his sister the side eye
''Moving on..... There's Kaitlyn Ka and HOLY SHIT WHY IS EVERYONE ON THIS LIST HOT''

Ryan chuckled
''Or could be that you are just desperate enough to hitch with anyone''

''Alright fuck you too, next, who's next Oh there he is Nicholas Fur-Furcillo? Cello? I dunno but he is Australian and sounds like a lord''
She said licking the dust off her fingers

''The greatest lord in all of Hackket's Quarry has just arrived at the ball''
Ryan stood with an imaginary scroll in his hand, acting like he was reading off of it

''He is here to search for a fair maiden to marry so be on your toes ladies, lads, and non-binary pals, and look your best for -
Sarah stood beside Ryan, pointing at an imaginary excited audience and winking at them

They both said in unison with hands pointed towards the back wall as if someone was going to enter from there as the imaginary curtains parted and laughed.

''Poor boy he looks so adorable, we shouldn't make fun of him plus we have to get through this list there are like three more people left''
Sarah said while wiping a tear from her eye and holding her stomach from the pain this stupid joke caused her

''Yeah yeah you are right let's continue''
They both said while sitting back. Both sitting at the edge of the bed now

''Alright then there is Laura Kearney and Max Brinly looks like they'll both be arriving together and a day early so.... ''

''Oh nice. They'll come to the motel  anyway since Mr.Hackket isnt letting anyone stay''

''Yup and then we all can head to camp in the morning. Ok, last but not least Dylan Lenivy''

''Oh wow,'' Ryan traced Dylan's picture with his finger. It looked like a candid picture but not like those candid-not-really-candid pictures but an actual picture someone took without him knowing of him playing with his cat.

THE QUARRY [RYAN X DYLAN]Where stories live. Discover now