this is a joke guys

62 3 14

I woke up to the sound of snoring.
I look over and the rock is sat there raising one eyebrows at me.

woah... I suddenly feel my face heat up..
His eyebrow raises higher "Ayo?" He speaks softly into my ear.

"Hey what do you want..? Why are you here?" I ask.
"Can The Rock not come to see a sausage roll lover?" He giggles. I pick him up and through him out the window. "See you again tomorrow!" I shout.

Knock knock. Who could be knocking on my bedroom door? I open the door slightly to see a pretty face shining through the door. W-woah... who could this lovely women be?

"Hello! Are you vegan?" The women speaks.
I quickly put my human fleshed filled burger down.
"Oh..uhh yeah! Yeah of course I'm vegan.. I'm Y/N by the way!"

Her face turns red. "H-hi Y/N.. I'm That Vegan Teacher.." she picks up the burger and tips out the flesh. "Ooh! What's this?" She asks. "Uhh..uhhm it's.. it's salad?" I reply.

"Ooh! Yum I love salad!" She picks it up and swallows it whole. "Woah..that was gorgeous.." she answers. She suddenly picks me up and eats me. Now I am dead.

The end 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼

That vegan Teacher x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now