Poppy Dumps Branch Short Story

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Scene trollstopia village

( DJ Suki Talked Branch and Riff )

DJ Suki : Hey guys! [runs over to the table with Branch and Riff ] Dude, look who's on the Buzzfinger homepage! [shows what's on her PearPhone to Branch]

Branch : Aw, poor Other Troll.

DJ Suki : What? No, under that! [presses some buttons on her phone and shows it to him again]

Branch : Oh?

DJ Suki : Oh?! That' you and Liza Sombrano Together!

Riff : No way. [shows it to him too] ...That's Branch and Liza ! Together!

Branch : Why are you guys so impressed?

DJ Suki : Because Liza Somberano is famous!

Riff : And HOT!

DJ Suki : Her father's a billionare.

Riff : And HOT! ...I didn't mean her father is... I drank fish pee.


Scene Broppy Talked Moments...

Poppy : Hey, we're not done talking about this.

Branch : I am.

Poppy : Well I'm not.

Branch : Listen, Liza Sombrano, is just a friend.

Poppy: Yeah, a friend who's already sent you six text messages today. [Branch phone beeps] Seven.


Scene poppy friends talked watch car Liza talked branch together

Barb: Is that Liza Sombrano?!

Poppy : Yeah, so?

Barb: Nothing! Pfft, she's gross! [holds up a french fry] French fry?

DJ Suki : Gross? Look at her! Oh, that girl is smoking hot, I'm serious! ...I should shut up.


Scene Barb Try Cheer Poppy

Barb : ...So, if I help you, I get a mean friend and a broken kite?

Poppy : Please, just please talk to Branchie for me! [cries and places her head on Barb pillow]

Barb : [long pause, and pats Poppy on the hair] Okay! Okay, okay, I'll talk to your boyfriend boy toy

Poppy : Do it soon... [lifts her head off the pillow, which has black ink on it] I got a little makeup on your pillow.

Barb : It's okay. I'll just ask my Dad to make me another one...if she ever comes back to life.


Smidge [her status on TheSlap]: On a mission...but how did I get to be the LOVE DOCTOR?!?


Scene Barb Talked her best friend poppy

Barb : Boy toy said you haven't done one nice thing for him in two years.

Poppy : [crying] That is so not true! We've only dated a year and eleven months!

Barb : Well, maybe he'd take you back if you did something nice for him.

Poppy : You mean, like, make him fresh lemonade?

Barb : If you want Boyfriend boy toy back, you're gonna have to think bunker


Snack pack scene watch broppy kiss

Snack pack : (while Poppy and Branch are kissing) Awwwwww. [puts her hands on her heart. They turn and look at her] ...I ruined the moment.

Barb and Val : ewwww...... ( watch broppy kiss scene)...

The end........

Here for you Liza_Sobreano thank you...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2022 ⏰

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