Chapter 16

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It had been 2 weeks since the Hogsmeade trip. Within those 2 weeks Draco and Rosabelle gain full basic control over their core magik, Lucius and Severus gave them practice O.W.L.S (at their request) which they passed with flying colours – the adults have high hopes for the couple. Now Lucius has decided that Rosabelle needs heirship lessons, as she is House Potter's only heir and because she will be House Malfoy's future Lady, she will need both Heirship and Ladyships lessons.

They made their way to their classroom in the Dungeons where they had been doing their lessons with Lucius. "Now, we are just going to be over some of your responsibility as an heir and what you would have been taught." Lucius said. "You would have been taught about your: Family Members, House Alliances, Family History, Heirlooms, and Affiliation. But I can't teach you about House Potter because I don't know everything about them, I only know them about House Malfoy. Those you would usually learn from your parents in Potter Manor."

Rosabelle's head shot up. "Potter Manor? What's that?"

"Potter Manor." Draco repeated. "It's where your family started and grew." He explained.

"If that's where I was meant to be... why did they move to Godric's Hollow?" Rosabelle asked.

"Severus said Dumbledore told them to hide." Lucius shrugged. He had no other answer.

"But you've talked about blood wards that each House has on their properties. No one can cross them. So, wouldn't it have been safer to stay at the Manor than a random property whose location is kept secret with a person who can easily tell the wrong person" Rosabelle rambled.

"Honestly... I don't have an answer for you." Lucius said truthfully. It was true, if the Potters had stayed at the Manor, then they might be alive today. Alive so their daughter could have actually had a childhood.

Sensing the change in atmosphere, Lucius wanted to change the conversion. "What I can teach right now is elevating your House reputation, the main ones that I can think of right now are..." Lucius summoned the blackboard ad spell-wrote four points.

Highly respected job

Being social

Having lavish party

Charity work

"Having a highly respected job shows others that you are extremely intelligent and someone who is meant to be taken seriously and your power."

"Being social gets you out there, it shows you as busy and important people. Especially when you are out together, this shows the strength of your bond, that you can't bear to be apart.

"Lavish parties shows off your family, home and money. This allows you to create the illusion you are the perfect family, and it allows you to hide any issues for one night and have fun. But not too much fun as you have to be perfect hosts."

"Charity work shows your morality, it shows a different side to you, it shows you to be kind and shows off your wealth."

"You've mentioned power a lot." Rosabelle pointed out.

"Because power is important. It shows off..." Their lesson was interrupted by a pink toad.

"Lucius..." An obnoxious voice screeched. "I didn't know you were here today." She smiled. Rosabelle and Draco gave each other a weird look. Why was she here?

"I'm always here, I'm looking after my son and his mate." Lucius deadpanned – he knew exactly what was going to happen, she always did this at the Ministry.

"Well, what are you teaching?" Umbridge asked, she didn't even acknowledge the young couple.

"Teaching Rosabelle how to be an heir for House Potter and a Lady for House Malfoy." Lucius refused to show emotions -just like his mate.

Delores giggled and tried to move closer to him (completely ignoring Rosabelle and Draco), but each step she took forward, Lucius would move away. "Lucius... why are you moving away from me?"

"Because I don't want you near me."

"Oh Lucius." She giggled. That is not easy on the ears. Rosabelle thought to herself. "What are you doing after his?" She asked. Oh my god! Is she flirting with Lucius? A married man? Rosabelle thought.

"She's just staring at him. She hasn't looked away once." Rosabelle whispered to Draco.

"I will be spending time with Severus."

"Willingly?" She asked, Rosabelle and Draco gave each other a knowing look – you don't insult a Veela's mate – unfortunately she kept talking. "Why would anyone willingly want to spend time with that greasy dungeon bat?" That did it.

Lucius snapped.

"You pathetic bitch!" Lucius roared. No one insults his mate. "Don't you are insult the youngest potioneer of the century and the youngest person to become a Head of House." Lucius began storming towards her while Delores was taking quick steps back before being slammed against the wall. Draco and Rosabelle simply watched the scene with wide eyes. "If you don't leave me alone then I will destroy your life like the pathetic pink toad that you are. I will ruin your non-existent name and expose your years of failed attempts of weaselling your way into a respectable House including my own multiple times. Not only have you insulted a great man but a member of the House of..." Before Lucius could reveal a major secret of Severus' Draco intervened.

"I've heard rumours..." Draco interrupted, both adults looked at him. "... I've heard rumours of group activities concerning the brutish Gryffindors. Excluding my beautiful mate of course." Rosabelle blushed at Draco's compliment.

"Very well then." Delores straightens out her pink clothing. "It would appear that I have an investigation to lead." Delores walked towards the door but just before she walked out, she turned to look at Lucius. "Lucius." She called, making Lucius look at her. "I'm always available to talk... in my office... alone." She walked out, completely ignoring the fact that Lucius had just threatened her.

Rosabelle looked at Lucius. "Did she just preposition you?" She asked.


Time Skip: 4 Weeks Later

It had been 4 weeks since Draco had given the hint to the pink toad. It had taken 4 weeks of Umbridge and her Inquisitorial Squad running up and down the hall chasing after the Gryffindors trying to find out what they are up to.

But finally, Umbridge bombarded a wall, and a massive group of red ties were everywhere. Apparently, they had decided to take their DADA learning into their own hands and learnt the actual spells with Hermione being their teacher. Since they had broken the new rules regarding group activities Umbridge decided to punish them all in one giant detention using Blood Quills.

According to Draco, Blood Quills don't use normal ink, instead the quill uses the writer's blood and sketches the writing into their skin, and it is meant to extremely painful – makes sense since they are used as torture devices.

Rosabelle, Draco, Lucius and Severus stood hidden on the side as each Gryffindor walks past them, grumbling about how this was all Granger and Weasley's fault, while the people to blame were on the other side arguing, once again.

"You wouldn't happen to know where Potter Manor is? Would you?" Rosabelle asked Lucius, as she walked each Gryffindor walk past them holding their hands in pain from the Blood Quills.

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