Chapter 1: That Night

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I moved here with my mom, thinking that life away from him would be better. I never knew what I was getting into. My life back in Florida was so different than what it is now! I mean I'm used to having bright sunny skies with lots of things to do but here, in Forks, it's rainy and cloudy and gloom. This is where I'm living with my mom.

I'm not you're ordinary girl, I suppose you could say. I'm quiet and loud, with brown hair and blonde dip dyed tips with a hint of blue, I have the brightest blue eyes with a line of green through one of them and good skin complexion but there's a twist to me that you'll find out about later on in this story. So keep reading.

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" Um.. Who are you?" were the first words I heard on my first day at school. I didn't know what to reply, I didn't know who they were or what they'd do to me. " I'm Raini, from Florida. Who are you?" I replied with a bit of stutter in my voice. This was in Home Ec class, so I didn't really know what to say but on my first day there I was invited to a party, by this boy, who posted an invitation in my locker which was number 324, his name was Brad Simpson. I assumed his name 'Brad' was short for Bradley. The invitation read:
" I'm having a party at my house. You should really try and come along, make some friends and get to know us all a lot better. It's at 29 corress road near the fountain pub. Text me if you can go 555-343-957" i hadn't really heard anything about the boy, or who he was or anything so I never texted him until after my first day of school.

One of the girls I was put next to in maths class, asked me if I had been invited to this party, her name was Leah. I told her I had got this invite through my locker.
" OMG! Are you going to go?" She said almost jumping out of her seat

" umm.. I don't know because I don't know anything about the boy" with a nervous tone throughout my voice.
She replied with this massive list of compliments about him. " awe my god! He's gorgeous! He has deep brown eyes, with thick curly brown hair, 5"7' at height with good fashion taste, he's got an amazing voice plus he's a great singer. He always does these music gigs down at the fountain pub, and he's just amazing! Honestly if I got an invite on my first day at school, I'd go to it." I tried to picture the guy she was describing in my head but it just kept coming up with a blurred face. The height, the clothes, the mic, it was all there but the face I just couldn't picture it. So I decided to text him.

" hey.. Umm.. It's Raini. I got your invite through my locker btw and em.. I'd love to go, but I don't know you to well. Sorry xx" he replied faster than ever.

" hey Raini, I'm Brad, short for Bradley. Yeah I saw you walking about and thought you were new so I gave you one, you don't have to come but I would like you too. And if you want, you can meet me tomorrow after school and we can get to know each other and then go to my party together?:)xx" A big smile came upon my face. I didn't know what to reply.

" okay.. " is all I put. I felt like screaming into my pillow! I ran down the stairs to tell my mom that a boy had asked me out. " Mom! Mom! You'll never believe what happened today!" " what? Raini! Are you okay?" " Mom! I'm fine, a boy asked me out today!" She stood there smiling at me. " do you like this boy Raini?" " mom, it's my first day, I don't really know him" " well I don't think you should be dating him if you don't know him" I stormed off.
A tear crawled down my face, and a shed load more did too. I cried for the first time in about a month and this time, I don't even know why.
I decided to text Brad back. " do you fancy coming out now? Only if you want to I mean" with an instant reply, he said " yeah sure, want to meet at the park around from your house?" I wondered how he knew where I lived but I said yes anyway. I got dressed and put on the warmest jacket ever and I walked to meet him.
There, I stood in the pouring rain, at the park and omg the things Leah said about him were true. This gorgeous guy with the brown, thick curly hair started walking towards me with the brightest smile ever. It pulled me in. " hey" he said with the most amazing voice ever. " hiya" I replied with such a big smile. He hugged me. It was honestly the best hug ever, warm and comforting and it made me feel safe around him. We went for a walk through these dark woods, near the park, and I was so scared but I just couldn't let on that I had a fear of the dark.
He saw my face drop and he grabbed my hand. " wait, what are you doing?" I said sounding shocked. He answered back with the cutest voice " I'm making you feel safe" my heart melted. I gave him a smile and held on tighter. I think he knew I was becoming afraid of the dark the further we walked in.
" you're afraid of the dark, aren't you?" " um yeah just a little bit but I'm fine" " you should have said something before we went into the woods, it's pitch black in here. Are you sure you're okay?" Hugging me again, I replied " I'm fine." Me being nervous I also said " when I'm with you" and oh my.. did I feel embarrassed but thankfully he just smiled. "Ugh I got a text from my mom telling me to go home" I told Brad. "awe that's fine, it sucks we didn't get to spend a lot of time together but I'm glad we did". He walked me home, right up to my front door and said goodnight, kissing my cheek and then walked of.

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